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Simulation in the Workplace

“I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.”

Albert Einstein

Why Einstein will never be wrong

Simulation activities in the workplace have provided teachers and students with an unparalleled platform in providing realistic learning opportunities. Simulations are highly effective in bridging the gap between the classroom and the real world applications of our knowledge and skills. Simulations are utilised across many different disciplines, however for use in the workplace it can be defined as “a model of a set of problems or events that can be used to teach someone how to do something, or the process of making such a model”. Now you might be thinking that simulation activities can be nerve wracking or difficult to work through, however it is more likely than not that you have already been involved in some form of simulated workplace activity.

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From desktop activities to testing procedures, or completing computer based activities that test your knowledge and skills, simulation activities have slowly weaved their way into most workplaces around the world. Simulation can be used effectively in a many different industries who all  require real time activities and scenarios to assess skill-sets, business models, and workplace safety procedures. Not all simulated activities are technology-based, however are still able to achieve the desired outcomes that come with simulated training. For example, assessing risk in the workplace when you are running your monthly fire drill.Fire Drill

Another thing to consider is there are a number of professions who can not be afforded the resources or real-time opportunities to use for training and educational purposes. These professions notoriously rely on simulated learning approaches, an example being the medical industry. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing (2015) discusses the use of simulation in training of critical-care student nurses and how important it is to their success. The below video is also testament of success the medical industry has had with simulation.

Workplace integration research has continually shown that authentic simulation based learning activities improve confidence and valued opportunities to practice their skills. Without simulated training, core industries keeping our society running would not have the proper preparation needed to have confidence in their own abilities to perform the skills they have been trained to carry out.

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Richmond, K., Richards, K., & Britt, K. (2015). The impact of an authentic, simulated learning activity on student preparedness for work-integrated learning. Asia-Pacific journal of cooperative education16(4), 343-354.

Rushton, M. (2015). Simulation and the student pathway to critical care. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 10(2), 93-98.


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