ETL 401: Critical Reflections

Time for the Aspiring TL to Grow Up! I noticed in our “Introduction” chat that fellow classmates were scoffed at for beginning a teacher librarianship program. I vented in my first submitted blog post and the feedback from Lee Fitzgerald encouraged me to focus on the positive aspects of my work environment and attempt to win […]

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Database Journeys: Hug your Librarian

There is a recent trend in recognising that information specialists will be crucial  in the future.  This is in part why I’m currently studying to become a teacher librarian.  This week I was asked to review a few different research databases: boolean searches, setting up accounts, creating folders and sifting through a plethora of information. Honestly… it sucked! It […]

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IFLA: Trends in the Information Environment

THE IFLA produced a report on evolving information environment and the introduction of the the report states: “The amount of new digital content created in 2011 amounts to several million times that contained in all books ever written”. Whoa. Mind-blown. This mind-blowing statistic highlights one the reasons that I’m studying information sciences.  As an English language and literature teacher […]

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