Week 10 – Final Report and Presentation

In this week I am writing the final report. Apart from that, I am supposed to conduct my presentation this week for the class.

The final report has following structure.

  • Title page
  • Table of Contents
  • Abstract (From Journal Synopsis)
  • Introduction to research domain
  • Literature review
  • Analysis and findings (in tabular, graph, matrix formats)
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Appendices

This is the end of this research project that i have been carried out for ten weeks

Week 9 – Final Report and Presentation

I am working on my final presentation this week. The presentation is due on next week

Presentation structure is as follows.

  1. Title Slide which should have research title, student name, id, blog address
  2. Introduction, research domain and justification
  3. Article reviews from the annotated bibliography
  4. Results and findings after analyzing the 12 articles reviewed

Week 8 – Annotated Bibliography and Journal Synopsis

I have been working on my Journal synopsis this week and finalised. annotated bibiliography this week.

Journal Synopsis

This research paper presents a ‘Review on Machine Leaning Spam Classification Algorithms’. The main objective of this project is to identify the different types of Machine Learning(ML) algorithms that are used in spam detection, specifically in the mail spam classification field. A comprehensive analysis has been carried out using twelve different research articles. This study has identified different types of ML algorithms such as supervised, unsupervised, semi supervised and hybrid algorithms. Different types of approaches have been used by researchers to generate the proposed outcomes such as of the projects such as achieving higher accuracy, precision, facilitating new features or reducing the resource and time consumption of the projects. Spam detection and classification is a trending and important technique to focus nowadays because everyone uses emails and the frauds that are being carried out using spams are increasing  every day. Having a proper understanding on the mechanisms that can be used in this field is the foundation to create a novel solution for this critical problem.

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