Reflecting from home (RFH)

Delving deep into ETL503

This semester had been one with many challenges, much learning, and over the top resilience- building! Unlike any other learning/schooling period of my life, I’ve attempted to navigate through studying, working, parenting and ISO-lating… all at the same time! It has been quite challenging, yet rewarding and enriching in so many ways.

Looking back to the start of my Teacher Librarianship journey, as I scanned through the course overview in preparation for a enthusiastic and keen start to ETL503 – Resourcing the Curriculum, I remember my exact thinking that evening “Oh my gosh… What is all this stuff about collections and acquisition? What IS acquisition? Wasn’t that some kind of violent and torturous historical take-over to combat heresy?! Oh wait.. that’s inquisition!” Continue reading

I can copy that, right?

What is copyright? And how does it impact teaching and learning?

If you had asked me this question at any given point in my 10+ years of teaching, my immediate initial thought would’ve been “you can only photocopy up to 10% / a chapter of a book”! As a teacher, there is so much focus on content and outcomes to be covered along with ways to engage and enrich students for enhanced learning with set goals and targets to achieve, that other areas, although essential, (seeming insignificant in comparison) are not addressed or understood as they should be. Copyright is one such area. Continue reading

We’re all in this together!

It has been a number of weeks since my fingers typed away in attempt to capture all my conscious workings, from reflections and thoughts to new found knowledge as a novice teacher librarian (TL). It has been a trying time indeed, both professionally and personally, integrating into this new way of life that has been enforced upon the whole world. Despite the challenges that we face today, constant reminders and encouraging slogans/themes relayed across global communities of diverse groups of people and cultures and professions are like silver linings to the dark COVID-19 pandemic cloud that has shrouded the world. It is uplifting and heartening to  truly know, indeed “we’re all in this together”!

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