We’re all in this together!

It has been a number of weeks since my fingers typed away in attempt to capture all my conscious workings, from reflections and thoughts to new found knowledge as a novice teacher librarian (TL). It has been a trying time indeed, both professionally and personally, integrating into this new way of life that has been enforced upon the whole world. Despite the challenges that we face today, constant reminders and encouraging slogans/themes relayed across global communities of diverse groups of people and cultures and professions are like silver linings to the dark COVID-19 pandemic cloud that has shrouded the world. It is uplifting and heartening to  truly know, indeed “we’re all in this together”!

Much like that of the TL community and educational bodies, the level of collaboration across the nation and the world has proved to be crucial in providing individuals with the necessary knowledge and equipping them with the required tools and skills in order to navigate  through this difficult period. Without constant communication between governing bodies / agencies and the community, trends have shown increased confusion, uncertainty and lack of direction of the general public with managing the current health crisis. Collaboration and communication are key in our current way of life. In their absence, nothing seems to make sense. As is the case within our school community, particularly, at the heart of the school; the library.

Sorry, we’re closed (due to COVID19)!

TLs have a pivotal role in providing support to staff and students in creating meaningful and long-life learning experiences. If one was to compare the school community with the global community, TLs would represent authority figures and advisory/governing agents, while students and staff would reflect the position of the general public. Without constant collaboration and communication between all members within both systems, there would be an evident lack of functionality and cohesive approach to tackle the situation at hand – overcoming  the challenges of a pandemic/ navigating through the schooling journey!

As I progress through the content of this course, all the relevant research literature and learning modules highlight a range of significant consideration and aspects of  effective libraries and methods by which TLs can enhance student learning. Contrastingly, this has exposed numerous gaps and areas of development urgently needing attention in my current role. Although there is a sense of overwhelmedness of not knowing where to start, collaboration and communication within the school community (staff, executive members, students and parents) seem to be foundational for building an effective learning hub and follow through with the a constructivist approach to teaching and learning.

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