About me

Welcome to my professional learning journey blog.

Before embarking on the Teacher Librarian (TL) journey, I had been a secondary science teacher for over 10 years. I was never considering a career change… until life decided otherwise! After having my second baby, I went back to work on a part time load. Due to timetabling complexities and the absence of staff to manage/look after the library, I found myself in ‘Library land’!

Knowing absolutely nothing about what a TL’s role entailed, it was extremely challenging to learn things on my own from a very different perspective than that of a classroom science teacher. However, I delved right in and started to connect with others and expand my limited knowledge and understanding of library systems and the collection and everything in between! To my surprise, my passion gradually began to shift from the laboratory to the library!

So far, this learning journey has been nothing short of challenging! In the same token, it has been immensely insightful and enriching for me personally and professionally.

From one aspiring TL to another – please feel free to read, share, build on and comment on whatever resonates with you! 🙂

"tiny books" by wmshc_kiwi is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
“tiny books” by wmshc_kiwi is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0