ETL523 Reflective Blog Post

Created by Cassandra Piggott using Bitmoji

The time has come for an evaluation reflection. This can only mean one thing… that I am FINISHED… well at least assessment 1 of ETL523. I would like to begin by stating that this unit has been extremely informative. I truly believe the 21st century library has tremendous power over the development of a student’s digital connection. I have spent many hours learning more about the digital space.

There is no doubt that students of the 21st century have greater access to technology than ever before. In my experience teaching Kinder recently, I can honestly say that many students have a much better understanding of how to navigate the iPad and its applications than I do. Digital technologies have been an integral part of these ‘new world’ students’ lives from an early age. Many children have access to technology daily starting as early as their toddler years. As opposed to my own generation, who were introduced to areas of technology slowly as they were developed, these children have been raised in a technological environment! We, the teachers of the 21st century, must ensure that our teaching utilises this modern technology in a positive manner to maintain its use. However, students do not benefit from teachers regularly implementing technology into their classrooms just because it is available. It is of vital importance that teachers are informed of the numerous benefits that technology offers to students in the present and in the future, while also instructing them in skills that will ensure their future success.

In spite of this, is it possible to benefit fully from the skills being taught if one does not understand the rules? It would be comparable to teaching a child how to play a sport by teaching them the skills necessary for the game rather than by introducing them to the rules. Though they may become masters of these skills, the question is whether they will be able to use them effectively in competitive situations. Through this assessment, my objective was to create a digital guide that reflects the importance of educating students about positive digital citizenship and the benefits of leaving a positive digital footprint before educating them on the skills that (we) can teach them to become digitally literate.

Here is where you will find my digital guide – Mrs Piggott’s Digital Classroom – it is my hope that students, teachers and parents will benefit from it now and into the future.

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