Who is the Teacher Librarian?

As discussed in my first blog, “Who Am I? Just Me!”… I have most definitely scored my dream job. However, this dream was not always ‘The Dream’. You see, growing up I was from a small country town. Tucked away in the Hunter Valley, I grew up with my mum as the senior coordinator at the only Catholic High School and my dad… well… he was the School Principal of that very same school. Let’s just say teaching was always going to be my journey, I just didn’t realise it was going to surrounded by the magic of a school library. Actually, it wasn’t until recently that I ever even realised that the magic was there.

When it came to graduating Year 6 I knew I would be spending the next 6 years (or what then, felt like eternity) with my parents, but never did I think I would also be spending the next 6 with the same Teacher Librarian I had during my primary years. Yep… that’s correct…I had the same TL for 12 years whole years. For the sake of this blog let’s call her Mrs. Smith.

Mrs. Smith was truly a kind woman. Obviously, being the daughter of two staff members within the school, I saw what most of my peers didn’t see…the teachers after dark!. However, during class she had a strong demeanor, tough skin and came across as wise and knowledgeable as they come. To be honest, the library just wasn’t for me at school. I can’t blame Mrs. Smith for this. I can only blame ME as I honestly just never gave stern Mrs. Smith a real go! Therefore, obviously, my own schooling experience was indeed NOT the precedent for my love for books or my interest in my current position. That love started with my nan, Marion. You can read more about her and her wonderful ways here https://thinkspace.csu.edu.au/mrspiggott/2022/07/14/this-is-me/

Nanna’s Home Library

My Nanna, Marion, with her handmade life-size dolls.

When asked to stop reflect on my understanding of the role of a TL, prior to the beginning of my study, I have to admit I didn’t instantly reflect back on Mrs. Smith but rather I reflected back on that same nanna of mine, Marion. For many years she would sit and read me beautiful stories, fables and poems. I would love listening to her voice! Certain people have that ‘reading voice’. One that can captivate any listener. I always wanted to have that! So, even though that my curly haired, funky dressed, over the top Nanna was not a TL, she was the (physical) vision I would have painted of one if ever asked. Luckily for me… the apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree!

My Nanna, Marion

The Australian School Library Association defines the Teacher Librarian as; ‘…a person who holds recognised teaching qualifications and qualifications in librarianship, defined as eligibility for professional membership for the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA)’ (What Is a Teacher Librarian?, n.d.). When applying for the current TL position that I hold, this was about as much information as I had about the ‘insides’ of TL role. After finishing my teaching degree, I fortunately gained a wonderful classroom teaching position within a small Upper Hunter school. Within small schools, similarly to the one I currently teach, the library role tends to only be for 1 or 2 days a week and in that time usually filled with the RFF role.

Therefore, my understandings of the TL role prior to beginning my role and studies was simply a vision of a woman I once loved and A LOT of questions. However, now after settling in to my role and spending time with my share-job Teacher Librarian (yes,… who I am EXTREMELY lucky to have!!!), I am more than ready to begin my new chapter. I now, with the support of my studies, want to display to my own school community how vital our school library truly is, through its important place for teaching and resources (Herring, 2007).

The lines may always stay a little blurry!

Cas. x

Reference List

Herring, J. (2007). Teacher librarians and the school library. In Libraries in the Twenty-First Century (pp. 27–42). Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-1-876938-43-7.50002-8

What is a Teacher Librarian? (n.d.). Retrieved July 30, 2022, from https://asla.org.au/what-is-a-teacher-librarian

3 thoughts on “Who is the Teacher Librarian?

  1. Thank you Cas for your lovely reflection. It was interesting to read about the ways in which your understandings have developed over time. Your blog is very creatively presented and the inclusion of lots of images creates visual appeal; please ensure that you correctly attribute your images – if they are your own consider adding Author’s own image, as a way of indicating ownership and modelling best practice.

    It is great to see that you have implemented categories and tags. When choosing tags, consider words that people would search by as stand-alone terms – for example although I agree school libraries are vital, it is unlikely that someone would search for the word ‘vital’ by itself, and therefore it is perhaps a less practical tag to use.

    Overall you have met the requirements of the first assessment and I am very happy to mark this as satisfactory. I look forward to reading future posts that you share during the session and the course.
    Kay Oddone
    Subject Coordinator

    • Thank you, Kay, for your wonderful feedback! I will be sure to take all this into consideration when completing future blogs. You’re guidance has been so rewarding. I hope you know how much it is appreciated.


  2. One thing I forgot to mention was when writing posts for an assessment please clearly indicate this by including wording such as ‘Assessment 1’ in the title. Once you have a few more posts on your blog it will become more difficult to identify the correct post and therefore this little tip will be vital for markers!

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