‘The Reimagined Library’
Laura Cole (2016) explores and explains the way in which the library can move with the times and technologies, and embrace the change from print to digital.
Libraries no longer need to be the destination because information accessibility from digital libraries can be from everywhere. Her explanation that the patron becoming the destination for the information is a very useful and accurate description. Exploring my local library on my phone whilst on the train I can reserve a physical book, hire a digital book, check my account, book a class, or hire a movie. This makes accessibility nearly everywhere as well as to everyone.
In addition to this her identification of digital libraries being space savers is a benefit to all. This does not mean you have less, it means that space can be used for other purposes. Libraries are not just information depositories, they are social spaces, learning hubs and community centres. Digitalising resources free’s up this space for all of the above. Again, the local library holds many different organised and casual groups and classes, included in the space is an art gallery too.
With all of these changes from print libraries to digital comes a change in the role of the library, the patrons and the librarian. The library becomes the ‘liberator’ as opposed to the keeper of information. The role of the librarian nowadays probably has little resemblance to the day-today librarians of the past. Laura termed librarians as ‘custodians’ of information. However, with the change to digital libraries the role is much more of a ‘navigator’. In my role as a teacher Librarian (TL) I must embrace library 2.0 in my job. I assist students and the larger school community in searching, identifying, locating and analysing information every day in every class. I am not the keep of the information.
Digital libraries allow empowerment and freedom to those that may not have accessibility otherwise. The modern library cannot be stopped because the technology will. Not stop evolving. Laura’s encouragement of exploring its potential and embracing the fluid sharing of resources and information was an inspiring part of her presentation.
Cole, L. (2016). The Reimagined Library- Where will it find you? TEDx San Antonio. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnYDl66YfQ0