Posts Tagged ‘Library space’

Online learning and the flipped classroom

I’m now halfway through ETL501 and I have been enjoying my learning journey so far. It has definitely challenged my thinking in the design of the physical library space and how that space is used by ALL members of the school community. I have looked at my library through a more critical lens and thinking about more than the aesthetics. The physical layout of the library must be purposeful and fit the needs of the school community, taking 21st century skills into account, thus future-proofing the library space. It was exciting to share the (imagined) library redesign ideas with my colleagues and to spark conversations around why the space is set up how it is and what would be changed, if anything. Being more critical of the library space allowed me to realise there are issues in my library, particularly the height of the non-fiction shelves. I hadn’t realised that the height makes browsing prohibitive as well as a WHS issue.

It was also eye-opening to realise that the library’s number one purpose is to service the needs of teachers and the students come secondary to this. However, by supporting the teachers it enables them (and us) to support the students. It’s not about neglecting student needs but supporting them through the curriculum needs of teachers.

Doing all this learning online is challenging however it does have advantages. The online delivery model allows me to

  • Access the content when I want to
  • Refer back to the content as required
  • Curate readings digitally

Disadvantages include

  • A lot of reading online
  • Feeling isolated because there is no in-person interaction with the unit coordinators or students

Even though I have enjoyed the learning in ETL501 so far, I do find it difficult to be excited about it. I have to be self-motivated to engage in the learning and the discussion boards. The amount of reading can be overwhelming. I would like to see a change in the delivery of the bulk of the content through recorded weekly lectures with additional reading and activities required in addition to the lecture. I have previously engaged in distance education that followed this model and I found it to be more motivating.

Engaging with online content has got me thinking about the concept of the flipped classroom. The flipped classroom model needs to be considered carefully before implementation. The resources provided must suit the needs of the learners otherwise it is difficult to engage with the materials independently. The flipped classroom model also needs to take differentiation of content into consideration. There is not a one-size-fits all when it comes to learning. I can see that the flipped classroom model could possibly allow students to move through their learning more quickly because the learning is taking place outside of class time. This frees up the class time to be used for support from the teacher and peers through questions and practice of new skills.

The flipped classroom model could influence library research investigations with students engaging in independent research outside class time and then receive guidance from the classroom teacher and the teacher librarian at school.

However, it does make me wonder if the flipped classroom model works for motivated, capable students but is potentially a pitfall for students requiring more support.

Library layout – considerations and conundrums

The layout of the library takes many factors into consideration. It needs to be visually appealing while servicing the needs of the school community. It needs to be a place of quiet study and collaboration. It needs to be a flexible, yet practical. Many of these considerations seem to be contradictory and presents the conundrum of ‘How does the library cater for all these needs?’

The conundrum

Different sections of the school are going to require different uses of the library space. This morning I was faced with one such conundrum around the use of the library. In the mornings, the library is a buzz of activity; students studying, chatting, playing cards, catching up on homework, and playing chess. There is particularly boisterous group of Year 8 students who enjoy sitting and chatting in the library. Their favoured space is close to tables at which the Year 12s like to study in small groups. One Year 12 student was labouring over a past paper and was getting frustrated about the Year 8s chatting. All students have equal rights to accessing the library space, but the Year 12 student didn’t see it that way. The year 12 student was offered a small study room, but he declined saying he preferred to be at the table. Who was right in this interaction?

This particular scenario is not unusual in the library space; one that I am sure we have all faced at one time or another. The question is, what do we do about it? Are we meeting the needs of the students in the current library space?

Role of the library

Loh (2019) states that “The five key roles of a 21st century school library are to support reading, research, collaboration, studying and doing” (p. 4). This is a far cry from the library of old, where it was simply a place to store and access knowledge and information (Australian Library and Information Association, 2014; Halder, 2020; Rashid, 2020). The library is a much more dynamic space now than ever before and is being used in dynamic ways. The space must have the flexibility to cater for all students needs within the five key roles. Reading, researching and studying require a quiet space, while collaboration and doing require a space that allows talking and movement.

Solving the conundrum

The key to the solution is being definite about what each section of the library is used for. There needs to be areas for quiet study, researching and reading, and there needs to be areas for collaboration and doing. When there is cross-over in these areas, that is when the situation outlined above occurs.

There is no one-size-fits all solution, and it’s vital for the teacher librarian to assess the needs of the students and staff through conversations and understanding the curriculum. They then apply this knowledge of their community to designing the space to suit the varied needs.


Australian Library and Infomation Association. (2017). Future of the library and information science profession school libraries. Canberra: Australian Library and Infomation Association.

Halder, D. (2020). A transitional shift from traditional library to digital library. In A. K. A. Kaushik, Handbook of research on emerging trends and technologies in library and information science (pp. 147-156). IGI Global.

Loh, C. E. (2019). Envisioning the school library of the future: A 21st century framework. 10.13140/RG.2.2.32524.36489.

Rashid, M. H. (2020, December 28). Difference Between Traditional and Digital Library. Library & Information Managemet.

Dynamic information environment. What does it mean?

Before I sink my teeth too far into a new unit, I like to take a moment to pause and really think about what I already know (or think I know) about the subject. What does ‘dynamic information environment’ mean? The word ‘dynamic’ is really the key here. It shows that the world of information is ever-changing and not static or stagnant. The phrase does not specify whether the information environment is physical or digital so I’m going to apply it to both contexts. This world of ever-changing information is a minefield for students to navigate and we are all having to upskill in a variety of areas in order to successfully navigate and access the information we require. So, what does this all mean in the context of a school library and the role of the teacher librarian?

According to Australian School Library Association (ASLA) (2022) the teacher librarian has three main roles. These roles are as curriculum leaders, information specialists and information service managers. Teacher librarians as information specialists and information service managers both contribute to the navigation of a dynamic information environment. The teacher librarian ensures that students and teachers have access to well-organised systems for retrieving resources. For this to be effective the teacher librarian must ensure that these systems are well maintained with the focus being on the users. Just because a system works well for the teacher librarian, it may not be suitable for the school community. These systems must consider both the physical and digital resources.

How does the dynamic information environment relate to the physical space of the library? My initial thought is that the library space must be flexible to accommodate the variety of ways in which the school accesses information. Just like the way the information landscape is every-changing, then the library space needs to adapt to accommodate this constant change. A library space is a place for collaboration, exploration, leisure as well as research and individual study. The physical space must be dynamic in its own way to function within and support the dynamic information environment.

There is a lot to consider and unpack in three words but these thoughts are just the beginning of the learning journey in ETL501.

Supporting students in their learning

Every teacher librarian (TL) experiences the time when a class is in the library and is being noisy and off task. This could even be a daily occurrence. So, what do you do about it? Well…that depends on how you look at the situation. There are short-term solutions ranging from asking the students to be on task, to long-term solutions which involve collaboration with staff and analysing the library environment. The short-term solutions might be the easy go-to, but it does get pretty draining asking students to be on task day after day. The long-term solutions require analysis and reflection about the library space but are well worth the effort. The results are a win-win for students, teachers and the TL.

Short-term solutions:

Short-term solutions are required to solve the issue straight away but are not a total solution in themselves. Short-term solutions don’t particularly require any level of leadership from the TL, just a good ‘teacher stare’, quick reminders and positive interactions with students. Here are some ideas:

Do a check of what is really happening. Talk to the teacher about what the task actually is. You never know…the students might be on task, but it just doesn’t look like it!

If there are students off task, ask yourself, is it really the whole class who are noisy and off task or just a few students? Remind students to stay on task and to be respectful of others. Ask the students who are off task to show you what they are working on (in a positive way) and show interest in their work. Some students need the stimulus of a conversation to get on track. Ask students what their task is. Ask them how you can assist them in that task, or better yet, show them how the library can support them in the task. Here is a great opportunity for servant leadership to listen to students’ needs and act on them.

Long-term solutions

Long-term solutions may not solve the issues at hand immediately in that particular moment, but they will help to mitigate the same situation from occurring in the future. These long-term solutions rely on a combination of servant and transformational leadership and how these two styles interconnect.

Having a conversation with the classroom teacher is a wonderful place to start. Ask them what the task entails and, depending on their answer, it might be an opportunity for collaboration with the classroom teacher to devise inquiry learning tasks. Through servant leadership you could devise library guides and pathfinders for the teacher and students to use. There’s also an opportunity here to team-teach with the classroom teacher which results in more support for the students in their learning. This would be a positive approach to support the teacher to make their library time more effective.

Delving in deeper from this point is reflection on the environment of the library space. A close analysis of how the library space is set-up is essential to supporting student learning. There is an opportunity to ask yourself several questions in addition to talking to teachers and students about what they would like to see in the set-up of the library space. Questions could include

  • Is the current set-up conducive to student learning?
  • Are there sufficient break-out spaces for collaboration?
  • Are there private study spaces for students who want to work quietly?
  • Do the students and teachers know about the services available at the library?

There are a mountain of questions to ask in this process of analysis and reflection and changes would need to be made over time rather than in one fell swoop.

Gone are the days of the shushing library dragon and oppressive silence of a library, however, students need to be supported to achieve their best and TLs play a major role in this support through their leadership, collaboration and management of the library space and resources.

The 21st Century Library

During the week’s readings I was particular taken by the blog post by Beth Holland, 21st-Century Libraries: The Learning Commons. It got me thinking about the space of the library and what that would look like. It also got me thinking about if the library space itself is important, or is the library shifting so far to digital access that the library space is becoming obsolete? Beth Holland discusses the birth of Enlightenment and the role of the coffee houses as a place for people to gather to have meaningful conversations on learning. Is the 21st Century school library moving more towards this coffee house style of space? I have been reflecting on this and beginning to think that the answer is both. The physical library space is still important as it provides a common space within the school for students to gather, whether in a class capacity or independently. The space itself triggers the concept of a place of learning and discussion. If the library space didn’t exist, where else would students have these opportunities? I know for myself I have certain places I go to for certain activities. I do my school-work downstairs in my office (or at school when we can be there!), and I do my reading for leisure upstairs on the couch. I couldn’t let these areas cross over because the feeling of the space would be wrong. I think this theory applies to the school library space. If no other space in the school provides the opportunities for discussion, collaboration and sharing in a common area then these key learning activities are in danger of not occurring at all.

I’m thinking that a 21st Century school library would be more like the space that is described in Beth Holland’s blog post: a learning hub for the school with space for interaction, collaboration and sharing, leaning more towards the space as a learning commons rather than a traditional library. The space and building itself contribute to the activities that happen within the space while the resources are supported in both a physical and digital environment.