The 21st Century Library
During the week’s readings I was particular taken by the blog post by Beth Holland, 21st-Century Libraries: The Learning Commons. It got me thinking about the space of the library and what that would look like. It also got me thinking about if the library space itself is important, or is the library shifting so far to digital access that the library space is becoming obsolete? Beth Holland discusses the birth of Enlightenment and the role of the coffee houses as a place for people to gather to have meaningful conversations on learning. Is the 21st Century school library moving more towards this coffee house style of space? I have been reflecting on this and beginning to think that the answer is both. The physical library space is still important as it provides a common space within the school for students to gather, whether in a class capacity or independently. The space itself triggers the concept of a place of learning and discussion. If the library space didn’t exist, where else would students have these opportunities? I know for myself I have certain places I go to for certain activities. I do my school-work downstairs in my office (or at school when we can be there!), and I do my reading for leisure upstairs on the couch. I couldn’t let these areas cross over because the feeling of the space would be wrong. I think this theory applies to the school library space. If no other space in the school provides the opportunities for discussion, collaboration and sharing in a common area then these key learning activities are in danger of not occurring at all.
I’m thinking that a 21st Century school library would be more like the space that is described in Beth Holland’s blog post: a learning hub for the school with space for interaction, collaboration and sharing, leaning more towards the space as a learning commons rather than a traditional library. The space and building itself contribute to the activities that happen within the space while the resources are supported in both a physical and digital environment.