Posts Tagged ‘classroom teacher’

Schools and social media

I think that using social media in the classroom is a slippery slope. There are arguments for and against using these platforms, but I personally would be reluctant to harness social media as an education platform.

There are several arguments supporting the use of social media. Students are using a variety of social media platforms and, as educators, and particularly as digital literacy experts, the teacher librarian are well-placed to support students in the safe use of these online spaces. Using social media opens up opportunities for ‘teaching moments’ to show students the importance of online responsibility and the use of privacy settings to ensure their online safety. Students also learn to engage with social media in a responsible manner and learn to only post what is appropriate. It’s the ‘think before you post’ mantra. My go to was always ‘if you wouldn’t put it on your grandmother’s fridge, don’t post it online’. These are vital skills for students as they interact with each other more and more in the digital world.

In saying that, interacting with students in a social media platform potentially opens a minefield of problems. When a page is opened for students to use it would become the responsibility of the teacher to monitor the use of the page. Teachers cannot monitor a page 24/7 so there is potential for the page to be used inappropriately. The page can’t be ‘closed’ overnight so students would have 24/7 access. Depending on which platform is chosen, students would be able to directly message the teacher, and this can place the teacher in an awkward situation in regard to child protection. These platforms are not monitored by the school and would breach child protection policies.

So, are there better options than teaching students how to be responsible in a public social media platform? Well, it depends on what the social media platform is being used for. Is it simply for sending out messages to students or is it for students to collaborate and contribute to the page? For messages being sent out be the teacher, the platforms School Stream and Class Dojo allows the school to make whole-school and individual class announcements. These platforms are monitored by the school to ensure that the content is appropriate.

Google Classroom allows interaction between teacher and students, and it includes a class homepage where students can post. I have previously worked in a ‘Google’ school and Google Classroom was used effectively to teach students about appropriate online interaction. The beauty of this choice is that the platform was monitored by school IT services, so the teacher was not on their own in monitoring the content. The page was also ‘closed’ from 8pm – 8am and on weekends. This is a setting the school chose to employ as a way to reduce issues around page monitoring.

I understand that students need to have real-world opportunities to build their skills in digital citizenship and that social media is not going away any time soon. However, I don’t think using public social media platforms is the way forward. I would suggest that teachers need to think carefully about what the purpose of using social media is before diving in headfirst.

Collection development: resourcing, policy and futureproofing

The role of the library is to support the needs of the school community by providing a wide range of physical and digital resources (Fleishhacker, 2017; International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), 2015). It sounds quite simple but is a daunting task that involves knowledge of the curriculum, the school community, the current collection and how to build and manage a balance of resources that best support these needs.

Prior to ETL503 I did not realise that resourcing was the responsibility of both the teacher librarian (TL) and the classroom teacher (CT).  I thought that supporting teachers involved providing resources such as pathfinders, lists of websites and piles of books (Gemell, 2021, November 4). In fact, selection of resources is set out in Standard 3.4 of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (2014). I now understanding that for optimum resourcing, it is vital for the TL and the CT to collaborate, with the TL providing a whole-school birds-eye view of resourcing across the curriculum, and the CT focused on their class’ needs (Gemell, 2021, November 8).

I was also initially baffled by the seemingly interchangeable terms of collection development and collection management. Through further investigation and discussion, I sifted through the terminology to discover that the two terms are, in fact, different. I was involved in a great discussion with several other students, and we nutted out that management is what happens after the collection has been developed (Gemell, 2022, January 3). This was summed-up perfectly by Kay Oddone (2022, January 10) who commented that “development is an activity that is part of the overall management of the collection.” Through this discussion I developed further understanding in the nuance between collection development and collection management.

I then came face-to-face with the concepts of copyright and creative commons. I must admit, this is an area that I have never put much thought into and I’m sure I have been in breach of copyright at some time. I was under the impression that anything could be used so long as it was properly referenced (Gemell, 2021, December 12). However, this area is hugely complex and goes far beyond appropriate referencing. I believe there is an expectation that librarians have a basic understanding of copyright and licensing of electronic resources and, as such, support the school complying with copyright requirements (Copyright laws, 2021). To assist with this, I found an invaluable resource in the website

I had previously heard of creative commons, but like copyright, had never given it much thought. I now understand that creative commons licenses help with the sharing and reusing of creations. Creating my own post (Gemell, 2021, December 12) about the different licenses and their uses has definitely supported my understanding of the link between copyright and creative commons. This understanding is invaluable as a TL because it helps to ensure that the library is complying with copyright, and also able to provide resources under creative commons licenses to support the school community across the curriculum. Through this knowledge of creative commons and copyright the TL is also in a strong position to advise others on copyright issues and the use of creative commons materials.

Through ETL503, I have an improved understanding of the importance of a collection development policy (CDP) as a strategic document. According to the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA, 2017), “A collection development policy is essential to a school library as it explains why the collection exists” (p. 8). During discussions with other students, it was surprising to realise just how many schools did not have a current CDP, or even more startling was the schools that did not have one at all. I found myself in that position with a policy available for my secondary school, but no policy for the primary school (Gemell, December 27). If it is such a crucial document, then why is it seemingly not a priority?

Collection development is an incredibly complex process with a multitude of facets (Oddone, 2019, August 19). These facets increase with the development of technology and changes in information access, not only in schools, but in society as a whole. It serves as a blueprint for the overall goals, processes and overall management of the library (Abercrombie, 2018, 30 May), ensuring there are clear processes for budgets, resource selection, deselection and challenged materials (Abercrombie, 2018, 30 May; Libraries Tasmania, 2021). The policy is also explicit in its descriptions of the school profile including their specific requirements. With all these elements in mind, the CDP must be updated regularly to stay current (ALIA, 2014).

The development of a CDP is an important matter to discuss with the school leadership and demonstrate the importance of developing, reviewing, and maintaining this document. The school leadership must be part of the development of the CDP (Libraries Tasmania, 2021) so they can best support the needs of the library through budgeting, and understand that the library is not stagnant, but continually changing and evolving with users’ needs, including technology and digital resources.

The CDP policy serves an important role in the issue of self-censorship. I had previously not considered self-censorship as an issue but, through my readings, have discovered that it is very common and easy to fall into to avoid conflict situations (Jacobson, 2016).  The CDP supports the librarian by having clear selection criteria and processes (including use of selection tools) as well as outlining the process for challenged materials. This ensures confidence in the selection of potentially contentious material (Gemell, 2021, 28 December).

Through collection development and management, the library can be equipped for the future. It is important for the library to consistently update materials (including deselection) and provide digital resources (Tonini, 2020, June 24). The key to future-proofing the library collection is fluidity. Samantha Macey (2022, January 2) summed this up perfectly, stating that “the collection development policy should be continually revised (collaboratively if possible) to reflect the fluid nature of libraries, and to keep on top of any new developments.” The information landscape is ever evolving, and it is the responsibility of the library to evolve with it. Remember, a stagnant library is a redundant library (Gemell, 2022, January 8).

The number one goal of any library is to provide knowledge to the community, no matter how that knowledge is accessed and it is up to the library and librarians to “understand the community and adapt to their needs” (Gemell, 2022, January 8).


Abercrombie, S. (2018, May 30). Why do you need a collection development plan? Knowledge Quest.

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. (2014). Australian professional standards for teachers.

Australian Library and Information Association. (2017). A manual for developing policies and procedures in Australian school library resource centres. (2nd ed.).

Australian Library and Information Association. (2014). Future of the library and information science profession: School libraries.

Copyright laws. (2021, September 30). A simple guide to copyright for librarians: 15 essential facts and tips.

Fleishhacker, J. (2017). Collection development. Knowledge Quest. 45(4). 24-31.

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions School Libraries Section Standing Committee. (2015).  IFLA school library guidelines.

Jacobson, L. (2016). Unnatural selection. School Library Journal, 62(10), 20–24.

Libraries Tasmania, (2021). Procedures and guidelines.

Tonini, S. (2020, June 24). 7 tips for future-proofing school libraries. eSchool News.

Resourcing: the role of the teacher librarian and the classroom teacher

As I begin diving into the content of ETL503 I am reflecting on the role of the teacher librarian (TL) and that of the role of the classroom teacher (CT) in relation to resourcing. This raises some interesting questions:

  • Do the roles overlap?
  • How do the roles complement each other?
  • How are the roles different?

First and foremost, the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (2014) sets out in Standard 3.4 that all teachers must ‘select and use resources’. The four levels are outlined as such:

  • Graduate teachers are required to “demonstrate knowledge of a range of resources, including ICT, that engage students in their learning.”
  • Proficient teachers “select and/or create and use a range of resources, including ICT, to engage students in their learning.”
  • Highly accomplished teachers “assist colleagues to create, select and use a wide range of resources, including ICT, to engage students in their learning.”
  • Lead teachers “model exemplary skills and lead colleagues in selecting, creating and evaluating resources, including ICT, for application by teachers within or beyond the school.”

With this standard in mind, my initial reaction is that the roles complement each other and collaboration is vital, as the final goal for both the TL and the CT is successful learning for students. I do feel that the TL, almost by default as a central curriculum and resourcing expert, comply with the criteria for Highly accomplished/lead standards as they collaborate with and assist classroom teachers. ‘The services (TLs) provide and the resources they access impact on every teacher and every student’ (ACT Government Education, 2019, p. 5).

The CT supports the TL by providing specialist knowledge of their subject area and understand the needs of the students in their class. CTs also are up to date with the curriculum requirements for their subject (NSW Department of Education, 2017). This knowledge is important in locating and evaluating potential resources. The TL provides the CT with expertise in locating and evaluating resources.

To complement the skills of the CT, the TL brings the general overview of curriculum, including links to General Capabilities and are up to date with new resources which are available. TLs are skilled at linking teachers and students with resources available both inside and outside the school.

The two roles differ in that the focus for the TL is more on the information service management role (Australian School Library Association, 2021; School Library Association of South Australia, 2015; NSW Department of Education, 2017). This management role is about the needs of the whole school and the selection of resources that meet the curriculum requirements of all students.

So, in some ways the roles of the TL and the CT overlap, but the TL is more focused on a whole-school view, whereas the CT is particularly focused on their class. As such the roles complement each other. It is very difficult for the TL to select appropriate resources without the input of the CT and the TL can provide insight into potential resources across a range of curriculum areas. The two roles become and partnership and work hand in hand.



ACT Government Education. (2019). School libraries: The heart of 21st century learning.

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. (2014). Australian professional standards for teachers.

Australian School Library Association. (2021). What is a teacher librarian?

NSW Department of Education. (2017). Handbook for school libraries.

School Library Association of South Australia. (2015). Teacher librarian role statement.

Supporting students in their learning

Every teacher librarian (TL) experiences the time when a class is in the library and is being noisy and off task. This could even be a daily occurrence. So, what do you do about it? Well…that depends on how you look at the situation. There are short-term solutions ranging from asking the students to be on task, to long-term solutions which involve collaboration with staff and analysing the library environment. The short-term solutions might be the easy go-to, but it does get pretty draining asking students to be on task day after day. The long-term solutions require analysis and reflection about the library space but are well worth the effort. The results are a win-win for students, teachers and the TL.

Short-term solutions:

Short-term solutions are required to solve the issue straight away but are not a total solution in themselves. Short-term solutions don’t particularly require any level of leadership from the TL, just a good ‘teacher stare’, quick reminders and positive interactions with students. Here are some ideas:

Do a check of what is really happening. Talk to the teacher about what the task actually is. You never know…the students might be on task, but it just doesn’t look like it!

If there are students off task, ask yourself, is it really the whole class who are noisy and off task or just a few students? Remind students to stay on task and to be respectful of others. Ask the students who are off task to show you what they are working on (in a positive way) and show interest in their work. Some students need the stimulus of a conversation to get on track. Ask students what their task is. Ask them how you can assist them in that task, or better yet, show them how the library can support them in the task. Here is a great opportunity for servant leadership to listen to students’ needs and act on them.

Long-term solutions

Long-term solutions may not solve the issues at hand immediately in that particular moment, but they will help to mitigate the same situation from occurring in the future. These long-term solutions rely on a combination of servant and transformational leadership and how these two styles interconnect.

Having a conversation with the classroom teacher is a wonderful place to start. Ask them what the task entails and, depending on their answer, it might be an opportunity for collaboration with the classroom teacher to devise inquiry learning tasks. Through servant leadership you could devise library guides and pathfinders for the teacher and students to use. There’s also an opportunity here to team-teach with the classroom teacher which results in more support for the students in their learning. This would be a positive approach to support the teacher to make their library time more effective.

Delving in deeper from this point is reflection on the environment of the library space. A close analysis of how the library space is set-up is essential to supporting student learning. There is an opportunity to ask yourself several questions in addition to talking to teachers and students about what they would like to see in the set-up of the library space. Questions could include

  • Is the current set-up conducive to student learning?
  • Are there sufficient break-out spaces for collaboration?
  • Are there private study spaces for students who want to work quietly?
  • Do the students and teachers know about the services available at the library?

There are a mountain of questions to ask in this process of analysis and reflection and changes would need to be made over time rather than in one fell swoop.

Gone are the days of the shushing library dragon and oppressive silence of a library, however, students need to be supported to achieve their best and TLs play a major role in this support through their leadership, collaboration and management of the library space and resources.

Collaboration is the key

So much has changed in my thinking in the areas of the role of the teacher librarian (TL), Information Literacy and Inquiry Learning Models over the course of this unit it’s hard to know where to start. Even prior to beginning this area of study I had moved my thinking from the TL being a staff member whose roles “included reading a story to each class every week, helping students with borrowing, putting books back on the shelves, and organising and handing out BookClub orders” (Gemell, 2021, March 7, para. 1), even though these are some tasks that I fulfil in my current TL role. On reflection, having read back over my very first post, The Role of the Teacher Librarian (Gemell, 2021, March 7), not once did I mention inquiry learning. I hinted at information literacy but didn’t quite hit the mark by stating that the TL fulfils “a vital role by working collaboratively … to plan and teach units of work in order to assist the students to develop information literacy” (para.2). This collaboration only meant working with a classroom teacher, not the principal and I had no understanding of why this collaboration was important, it was just something TLs did.

Prior to study I thought that Information Literacy just referred to students being able to search for and use information for their assignments. I also never realised that information literacy has no set definition and its use depends on the context and purpose (Charles Sturt University, 2021). With all the different theories and approaches to information literacy no wonder it becomes a daunting area! However, I have come to realise it is so much more than doing basic searches and students writing information in their own words, and the TL plays an important role in this particular avenue of literacy. This does not happen in isolation and is a collaboration between the TL, classroom teachers and the school principal. Without all these elements in sync, the initiative of information literacy will fail before it flourishes (Kelly, 2021, April 30 ).

In my previous experience, inquiry learning was done in-class with the classroom teacher and the students. It never occurred to me that the TL would be an integral part of the process. I also never realised that there were so many different inquiry models to choose from, each offering something different, depending on the context in which they are used. I had only ever worked with Kath Murdoch’s model of designing a journey of inquiry (Murdoch, 2019) (and this was only brought to my attention five years ago) so it was interesting to delve deeper into the world of inquiry learning models and the benefits of using inquiry learning. I have come to the conclusion that a whole-school approach is the most effective way to achieve quality outcomes from inquiry and “the vision of all three (TL, classroom teacher and principal) need to match so that the skills being taught and used by the students are systematic and consistent” (Gemell, 2021, April 9, para. 4). The skills the TL brings to any inquiry learning model are paramount to the success of the program.

I think that my biggest shift in thinking throughout this unit has been the concept of collaboration between TL, principal and classroom teacher. Without a shared vision and collaboration between all three, the failure of information literacy and inquiry learning is inevitable. The roles of the TL, principal and classroom teachers work hand in hand (in hand) and the TL is the butter that holds that sandwich together. “The TL needs to be proactive in voicing the needs of the teachers and students so that the principal can facilitate these needs. The principal can only act on what they know. It is up to the TL to demonstrate the value of the library resources and programs and in turn this enables the principal to be able to fulfil the needs” (Gemell, 2021, March 18, para. 3).

It’s interesting that the idea of collaboration between TL, classroom teacher and principal is not a new one and was shown as a key component to student success in 1999 (Muronaga & Harada) and possibly even earlier. It was a big lightbulb moment when I realised this was such an important component of the TL role and the success of information literacy and inquiry learning models. My biggest question now is how far can you take this collaboration and what would happen? Just imagine the possibilities!



Charles Sturt University. (2021). Information Literacy [course material]. ETL401, Interact2.

Gemell, L. (2021, March 7). Role of the Teacher Librarian. Mrs G’s Masters Musings.

Gemell, L. (2021, April 9). Information Literacy in the school context. Mrs G’s Masters Musings.

Gemell, L (2021, April 3). Inquiry learning vs. standardised testing. Mrs G’s Masters Musings.

Kelly, S. (2021, April 30). DISCUSSION: 5.4a: Information Literacy. [Unpublished manuscript]. School of Information Studies, Charles Sturt University

Murdoch, Kath (2019). A Model for Designing a Journey of Inquiry. Kath Murdoch.

Muronaga, K. & Harada, V. (1999). The Art of Collaboration. Teacher Librarian, 27 (1). 9