Leadership and the role of the TL
What is leadership and how does this relate to the role of the TL? This question has really got me thinking and initially one important term springs to mind. The term ‘collaboration’ comes first and foremost. The concept of collaboration was my big take-away from ETL401 and without collaboration the role of the TL is redundant. One cannot lead without collaborating with others. TLs are the conduit that link the vacuum of the school to outside information. They communicate this throughout the school through collaboration and membership of both the teaching and leadership communities.
Before I go any further, what is meant by leadership? When I think of leadership, I think of someone that others look up to for guidance and information. Leaders have a goal and are able to guide groups to achieve these goals willingly. Leaders are inspiring. When I looked up the definition of leadership a multitude of answers came back. The more I looked the more definitions came up. The Oxford Learner’s Dictionary (2021) defines a leader as ‘a person who leads a group of people, especially the head of a country, an organization, etc.’ This definition doesn’t do very much for me and is too rigid and sterile. Leadership is more organic and involves identifying issues, supporting people and strategizing the best solutions to problems while keeping the humanity of the decisions in mind.
These ideas about collaboration, leaders and leadership are important to the role of the TL because the TL is the link between classroom teachers, curriculum, school leadership and outside information. As an information specialist TLs are at the forefront of sourcing and research skills for students, keeping all parties up to date with resources. As one of two TLs in my current school the importance of library advocacy and collaboration is paramount. We are the linking ingredient at the centre of the school, guiding the research and reading culture of the school. If the TL was considered a stand-alone position than there would be no consistency across the school regarding these areas.
Oxford Learner’s Dictionary. (2021). Leader. In oxfordlearnersdictionary.com dictionary. Retrieved July 5, 2021, from https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/leader?q=leader