- Journal Synopsis
- more (3 to 4 ) research papers. write the summary of each article.
- more advance topic.
Month: April 2020
Week -6 Still Writing Annotated Bibliography- Part3
- Journal Synopsis
- more (3 to 4 ) research papers. write the summary of each article.
- more advance topic.
Week 5- Annotated Bibliography Part2
Doing research on the topic:
Just a example: Cloud -> cloud migration -> Technique -> SWARM algo
Iot-> Smart home -> IDS-> Deep techniques for smart home
- CSU library:
- Primo Search: . ProQuest and others
- IEEE explorer
- Google Scholar
This is just a example don’t copy it, search at least six article and write summary about them in this blog as part of your weekly progress report.
IoT and agriculture data analysis for smart farm
Muangprathub, el al, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, January 2019, Vol.156, pp.467-474:
wireless sensor networks to o optimize agriculture control system between node sensors .•
Three components used . This research is useful to farmers interested in agriculture driving by innovation.
Week 4 – Annotated Bibliography-1
what is AB?????
how to write AB???
what to include in AB??? (Summary, Analysis and Cri)
Research paper you find MUST be directly related to your topic.
learn how to write summay and analysis and cri
have found two