Week 2 Research on topic

I would like you to find few research papers using

“Google Scholar” and IEEE explorer.

Link you Google Scholar to your CSU library.

And work on your Assessment one due on Sunday (5% out of 15%)

Following are some research papers:

Measuring perceived security in B2C electronic commerce website usage:
A respecification and validation
Edward Hartono a,1, Clyde W. Holsapple b,2, Ki-Yoon Kimc, Kwan-Sik Na d,⁎, James T. Simpson e,3

Week 1-topic selection and Blog

week1.  i have selected my research topic and in next 7 days i will be working on project brief.



About me:  My  name is xyz and I am currently studying Master of Information Technology in Charles Sturt University. I choose the topic Biometric in Emerging Technology because i think the topic itself is very interesting and is in a developing phase.

Project Title: Biometric in Emerging Technology

Blog Site Address: http://thinkspace.csu.edu.au/xyz

Project Problem Domain: As the technologies developed we are seeking new ways that can make our life easier and more secured without doing much. Biometric have emerged in the market and may be one of the most widely used technology out there.


Liu, S., & Silverman, M. (2001). A practical guide to biometric security technology. IT Professional, 3(1), 27-32.

Jain, A. K., Bolle, R., & Pankanti, S. (Eds.). (2006). Biometrics: personal identification in networked society (Vol. 479). Springer Science & Business Media

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