Week 9 Final Report and Presentation
Task1- Final Report (activities to prepare the report)
Task2 – Presentation will be on Week 11 and 12. (Prepare PPT and present online with Zoom)
Week 8 – Finalizing the Annotated Bibliography and Synopsis
Select the 12 research paper for your literature review. Don’t list you selected paper here. Just provide a summary about your journey of last 4 weeks to achieve this task of AB & Syno. How did you drill down or narrowed your research issue. For example:
From: Cloud security and privacy issues to —> security of information in cloud –> multi tenancy issue to using different techniques, computational technique(s), algorithm(s) or method(s)
This will the end of AB. We will use our AB for our final report.
Week -7 Still Writing Annotated Bibliography- Part4
- Journal Synopsis
- more (3 to 4 ) research papers. write the summary of each article.
- more advance topic.
Week -6 Still Writing Annotated Bibliography- Part3
- Journal Synopsis
- more (3 to 4 ) research papers. write the summary of each article.
- more advance topic.
Week 5- Annotated Bibliography Part2
Doing research on the topic:
Just a example: Cloud -> cloud migration -> Technique -> SWARM algo
Iot-> Smart home -> IDS-> Deep techniques for smart home
- CSU library:
- Primo Search: . ProQuest and others
- IEEE explorer
- Google Scholar
This is just a example don’t copy it, search at least six article and write summary about them in this blog as part of your weekly progress report.
IoT and agriculture data analysis for smart farm
Week 4 – Annotated Bibliography-1
what is AB?????
how to write AB???
what to include in AB??? (Summary, Analysis and Cri)
Research paper you find MUST be directly related to your topic.
learn how to write summay and analysis and cri
have found two
Week3 Project Proposal and Plan
we are working on project management like creating WBS. for the project plan:————————————-
- Problem Domain:————————-
- Proposal and Justification:———————
- Research statement:—————-
- list two papers
Week 2 Research on topic
I would like you to find few research papers using
“Google Scholar” and IEEE explorer.
Link you Google Scholar to your CSU library.
And work on your Assessment one due on Sunday (5% out of 15%)
Following are some research papers:
Measuring perceived security in B2C electronic commerce website usage:
A respecification and validation
Edward Hartono a,1, Clyde W. Holsapple b,2, Ki-Yoon Kimc, Kwan-Sik Na d,⁎, James T. Simpson e,3