week 11

progress till week 11:

NAME:  Manjari Vemparala
PROJECT TITLE: The Rise of Block Chain Technology in Agriculture and Food Supply Chain to Improve Agricultural Techniques.
WEEK NO: 11 DATE: feb
PLANNING Provide affordable prices to access advanced technologies.
And discussion result which are provided for project propagation are analyzed. It has more open market and the minimum cost for farmers to handle the complex factors. And project analysis are determined with different domain models. And required sources have been collected to cover the issues which are implemented in the system revolution.
ISSUES Threats are formed in this week 11.
The advanced techniques are used for the food supply chain to focus on the digital transformation scheme.   Then respective issues will be reduced to overcome the project analysis. Yes, And desire requirements will be developed to focus on respective field and also need to integrate the smart connected systems to be finished completely.

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