Digital Technology Integration – Personal Position Statement

As an educator, it is evident that successful integration of ICT within workplaces, is reliant on a range of factors including, the implementation of suitably tailored technological mechanisms, that engage diverse learners.  Enhanced by skilled and motivated educators, capable of incorporating these mechanisms into multi-dimensional environments.

Prensky (2001), discusses design and use of ICT that is engaging for learners from traditional learning environments, and the “N-gen” (Net Generation), fundamentally challenging workplaces (p. 1).   It’s imperative that technology is readily available, and that educators see this technology as valuable, within education, as discussed by George and Sanders, (2011, p. 1).

According to Bain and Weston (2012), for successful implementation and integration, workplaces must ensure ICT Leaders acquire attributes required for successful ICT implementation (p. 161).  Access to ICT is important, but moreover, the implementation, establishing ICT value in workplaces (George & Sanders, 2017, p. 1).

The successful implementation of ICT within workplaces is multifaceted, yet the apparent themes, are fairly consistent with those mentioned previously.



Bain, A., & Weston, M. E. (2012). Education and Technology. In The learning edge: What technology can do to educate all children.

Teachers College Press.

George, A., & Sanders, M. (2011). Evaluating the Potential of Teacher-Designed Technology-Based Tasks for Meaningful Learning:

       Identifying Needs for Professional Development. DOI 10.1007/s10639-017-9609-y

Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Natives, Digital immigrants.On the Horizon, 9(5).