Models of Teacher Digital Learning Pedagogy

As an educational practitioner, my encounters with  the TPACK framework, presented by Colvin (2015), predominately relate to my studies.  As a practitioner, I have worked within modified frameworks with elements of the of the TPACK, similar to that discussed by Bower (2017), which have been utilised in educator practice,  “as more of an organising and descriptive framework (p. 28).

The use of TPACK, does not appear to assist educators in understanding how to implement ICT, or apply its use to their contextualized profession.   However, through the use of modified rubrics and instruments, it appears to assist with educational design.  Nevertheless, the execution of a TPACK model, requires strategic leadership, that guides organisations in their implementation within daily work practices.  In particular, where there appears a lack of understanding of how to implement TPACK, into the context of the training environment (Bower, 2017, p. 20).

The TPACK Framework, is a clear roadmap, outlining concisely, the skills required by educators, in the integration of ICT.   Commonly, educators struggle with ICT integration, thus receiving little professional development.  Although, as discussed by Wastiau (2013),  “professional development is imperative, in the ICT influence and teacher capacity, which directly influences the confidence and acquisition of students in ICT”  (p. 16).

Furthermore, the integration of ICT, is a change process, which requires robust strategic leadership (Wastiau, 2013,  p. 12).  Those in leadership positions, must demonstrate both capacity and skill to implement change.   As discussed by Bain (2017), for educators to successfully implement consistency across their organisation, a shared schema, embedded design and emergent feedback must be present  (p. 63).  Where pre-existing systems are found, new changes/reforms commonly result in conflict and resistance (p. 65). Therefore, as a practitioner, I perceive, the inception of ICT within my workplace, is reliant, on the strategic direction provided by our organisational leaders.


Bain, A., & Weston, M.E. (2012). Education and technology. In the learning edge: what technology can do to educate all children,  (pp.  1-24). New York, NY: Teachers College Press

Bower, M. (2017). Design of technology-enhanced learning: Integrating research and practice. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Colvin, J. (2015). Introducing the TPACK Framework,

Wastiau, P., Blamire, R., Kearney, C. (2013). The Use of ICT in Education: A Survey of Schools in Europe,  European Journal of Education, Vol.48(1), pp. 11-27.

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