I am enjoying the research and reading for in Module 7.1 and it is interesting to note that there are both bleak and optimistic outlooks in the literature on future libraries. My emerging opinion equally built on my experience and reading, is that the future of libraries is exciting, innovative, and rich […]
6.2: Key Takeaways on Censorship
I have a few key takeaways I would like to share with you on Module 6.2. I found this module exceptionally interesting and I can already imagine how I can use some of the principles discussed in my new TL role, when the situation arises. I have purchased quite a few ‘controversial’ books for our […]
ETL503: 4.2: Finding ‘Neverland’ on Creative Commons
Commons resource 1 – Description – This is an audio resource titled Panfilms – Tiptoe. It is a music keyboard sound effect lasting 1.02 seconds. It would work well within a school production for a scene transition, especially for a character creeping around or on tiptoes in a suspenseful moment. I found this audio on […]
Methods of Collection Analysis
In reading and reflecting on Johnson (2018), Chapter 8, Figure 8.1, there are a number of collection analysis methods I would find useful in the TL role. The quantitative methods I would use are: In house statistics E-resource use statistics Both of these methods would indicate the usage of the resource, such as if it […]
ETL503: 3.2: Library resource suppliers
What qualities would you look for in preferred school library suppliers? In our library we use follett for our main catalogue and borrowbox for our ebooks and audiobooks. We used to use Wheelers, but we have found it too expensive to keepo both borrowbox and wheelers for eresources. The follett library management system can be […]
Forum Discussion 3.1: Output measures as a basis for budget decisions
There are some ways our library makes budget projections based on potential demand from looking at output measures. This, however, is only one small part of the decision making on how to spend the budget. Up to date resources that link to curriculum content, reading for pleasure – eg. patron driven acquisition, employing qualified TL […]
ET 503: 2.5 Selection Criteria
Task: Select a resource and evaluate it according to the Hughes-Hassell & Mancall general criteria. Resource: The Climate Cure: Solving the Climate Emergency by Tim Flannery Appropriateness: Senior; Non-fiction. The resource is very specific to Australia and addresses current issues and recent events such as the 2020 megafires and Australia’s response to Covid-19. Scope: The […]
ETL 503: 2.4b Online Communities
Discussion Forum 2.4(b) Pros and cons of online communities. Select one of the crowd sourced review sites listed in this section or search for prolific book bloggers in the field and have a look at the way these reviewers discuss fiction relevant to school libraries. Share a link to an interesting book blog, Goodreads or LibraryThing review in Forum 2.4(b) and discuss your thoughts on the […]
ET503:2.4 Using Twitter as an online community for resource sharing
Discussion Forum 2.4(a) Selection aids online Select a curriculum topic of interest. Select one of the online communities or resource sharing services listed in this section, and spend some time searching for tags, hashtags, lists or communities of relevance to your topic. Share a link to a relevant online resource found from that community in Forum 2.4 and discuss the pros […]
ETL 503: 2.3 Search and Reflect
A review of a library using the curation tool ‘Libguides.’ I have chosen to review the Presbyterian Ladies College, Claremont, Western Australia . The school have used the curation tool Libguides. The homepage has an information skills process chart which displays information visually about the NSW Inquiry Process. Then each stage of this Inquiry Model […]