Commons resource 1 –
Description – This is an audio resource titled Panfilms – Tiptoe. It is a music keyboard sound effect lasting 1.02 seconds. It would work well within a school production for a scene transition, especially for a character creeping around or on tiptoes in a suspenseful moment. I found this audio on the website, and it is created by an owner named rhavinga.
The licence is marked: CC0 1.0 (by rhavinga).
CC refers to Creative Commons and Free Use. The 0 refers to the work being marked as Public Domain. There is no obligation to credit the creator.
Creative Commons resource 2
Description – This second resource is titled ‘On the set of Compendium Vol 3: Neverland.’
It is a photograph or a crocodile head which has been created by Vancover Film School for a media product ion of Peter Pan. It is unique as it has been designed with Steam Punk Art. I searched for this in the Creative Commons website which directed me to Open Verse, where I found the photo.
The licence is marked: CC BY 2.0
CC: free to use; and
BY: Credit the creator. The creator name is vancouverfilmschool.
“On the Set of Compendium Vol. 3: Neverland” by vancouverfilmschool is marked with CC BY 2.0.
Pan.mp3 (1.681 MB)