Reflect on the previous discussion about change, leadership and school environments you have experienced. In the discussion forum consider a major change you have experienced in a school.
Introduction of the change
In my current school environment I experienced a major change that was characterised by a transformational leadership style. The change that was introduced would affect all staff in both a compulsory and non-compulsory way. The school leadership had make a decision to implement a service learning program for all students which would provide opportunities for all students to take part in philanthropy projects. A student committee would be appointed and a there would be a staff leadership opportunity in the new role of Service learning Co-ordinator.
Communication of the change
The school principal communicated the vision behind the change through inspiring teachers to have opportunities to create positive impacts on students through both local and international communities. The principal encouraged teachers through building a shared vision and appealing directly to the moral fabric of the staff. Students, staff would have new opportunities to take part in Service Learning initiatives and this was viewed as highly beneficial to our students as they would learn skills such as teamwork, humility, and leadership. These activities would impact our local community, such as making meals for Perth’s homeless, participating in food collection drives or spending time with elderly residents at aged care homes. Professional development was provided for staff through culture conferences, building the level of intercultural awareness in staff – thus motivating staff to be involved in service learning that would provide students with valuable life experiences.
Staff Reaction:
The staff’s response to the proposed service learning program was mostly enthusiastic and supportive. The transformational leadership had nurtured a sense of trust and shared vision within the school community. Teachers saw the program as an excellent opportunity to grow values of social justice in their students. Nevertheless, some staff members expressed concerns about logistics and integration into an already busy homeroom schedule. All homeroom teachers were now expected to organise and take a group of students to a service learning activity as an excursion twice a year. Some teachers had reservations of having to drive students on a bus, be the only staff member given time to go on the excursion and how long it would like to complete paperwork to organise the event. Despite the perceived benefits of the service learning, some teachers clearly felt out of their comfort zone in delivering it and felt they were being forced to organise extra activities with lack of freedom and choice.
How my understanding of this experience has been altered by the content in this subject.
My understanding of this experience has been altered by this specifically in reference to my readings about change fatigue. I can now see how some teachers experienced change fatigue as they did not want their current teaching day disrupted; other teachers were fearful of a diminishing work-life balance. A few may inwardly have experienced fears of failure at being capable of managing a group of teenagers out in the community with the real public. Despite the transformational leadership exhibited by the principal, I think perhaps there could still be more credit given to the reality of staff concerns – perhaps more understanding or greater freedom as to what staff were concerned about. Nonetheless, the Deans of House encouraged open dialogue in team meetings, and concerns were addressed. Overall, this course unit is deepening my understanding of the role of leadership in effecting positive change within educational settings. The value of creating a culture of trust, shared vision, and collaboration stand out as key takeaways.