Blog Post – Assessment Two
It’s not what you know these days but more who you know. In some situations, you might be the smartest person alive, however, there are times that just having the smarts in a particular area might not help you when it comes to solving a certain problem. There will be times when you have reached your limit and will need someone else or a second opinion to help get you through that pickle, which makes it very important to surround yourself with a people from all different expertise, experiences and background and to do this you need to ‘Connect’ to people.
I though coming into the Introduction to Digital Literacy for online that I had a fair amount of understanding when it comes to connecting with others and connecting with others online, however, after completing a six quiz skills test I soon found out that I’m not as confident is some areas of online connecting.
The six quizzes are broken down in the following areas, Connect, Communicate, Collect, Collaborate, Create and Choice and the following are my results from the quizzes
1. Connect – with information and learners in your Personal Learning Network (PLN) and Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s)
I’m a ‘Bold Beginner’ when it come to Connect.
2. Communicate – using different strategies and tools
I’m ‘Intrepid Intermediate’ when it comes to Connect
3. Develop Citizenship – demonstrating appropriate behaviour
I’m ‘Intrepid Intermediate’ when it comes to Connect
4. Collaborate – applying norms of behaviour for success with virtual teams
I’m a ‘Bold Beginner’ when it come to Connect.
5. Create – a professional online identity and digital multimedia products
I’m a ‘Bold Beginner’ when it come to Connect.
6. Apply Choice – for informed selection and correct use of online tools
I’m a ‘Bold Beginner’ when it come to Connect.
Three weeks into the course and I am discovering how to better connect with people better through social media. I have been able to connect with members from the course via CSU’s Facebook account and I have also learnt how to set up a LinkedIn profile, which has allowed me to connect with members from the course. Having LinkedIn also enables me to connect with people and organisations that work in the field of Investigations which is the field I plan to base my career around. Although I do not intend on change my job any time soon, having these connections, I think will help me down the road when I might need a little help or even another set of idea’s when I become stuck with an investigation.
Up until commencing Introduction to Digital Literacy for online, I only knew of a handful of social media or online platforms that you could connect with people but I have discovered many more platforms out there just like this one. I have Facebook, Instagram and Twitter but I haven’t really put too much effort into them, however, while creating my LinkedIn profile my ‘ahha’ moment came when I discovered that through connecting with my small network online, it has the potential to expand my network, which gives me greater access to a wide range of knowledge, skills and information.
Most of all, discovering platforms just like this one shows it can be fun and challenging to work out how the platforms works and to show people what I can achieved. I have very much enjoyed working on this project/assessment.
Thank you for reading my blog and if you wanted to see more of my online content please follow the links below or at the top of the page on the ‘posted note’ looking area.
LinkedIn Profile:
Facebook Profile:
Instagram my account:
Instagram food blog:
Word count (count on this platform) = 607
Word count (on word including links) = 622
Assessment now marked. Results available via EASTS on 24th August.