Digital Learning Environment – My thoughts

A digital learning environment (DLE) is not just the technology – hardware and software, used in a school, but the intangible attitudes and skills of all users within the ecosystem of the school community in their utilisation of technology.  In our school community, as with any environment the ‘buy in’ varies. Some teachers use the DLE to effectively engage their students in learning experiences that are participatory and personalised through using OneNote Class Notebooks, STILE and Moodle.  They work collaboratively in teams to organise the department learning experiences and content. Others use technology primarily as a production tool, or dissemination tool, ignoring the collaborative, participatory and personalisation possibilities that the DLE has to offer.

As educators, we need to encourage our students to develop the digital citizen skills that will enable them to engage effectively in this rapidly changing digital environment.  They need to have the skills required to be safe, savvy and social (Ribble, 2018). Providing opportunities for students to utilise these skills within their education practises will help guide them to becoming responsible global digital citizens.  Networking within their class, their school, their State, their Country and globally, students have the potential to deepen and broaden their education beyond the static four walls that was once the classroom.  Teachers should also be using their networks and communities to build their educational practise to reflect the national and global nature of education in the 21st Century.


Ribble, M. (2018). The top 3 elements of student digital citizenship. EdTech. Retrieved from:

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