Ready or not, here comes change!

Change is constant. Change is important.

It keeps us fresh.  It keeps us thriving and growing. It needs to be embraced.

After all, as Henry Ford said:

 “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”

The problem experienced by staff in many schools is not so much the change itself, but the rate and way it is managed.  Change in schools may occur from pressure of external forces, such as curriculum change, or internal forces like staff movement. When a school community is built on a foundation of effective communication and respect change is managed effectively. Schools need to be empowered to think creatively and promote risk taking behaviour in both their staff and students if they are to promote the critical skills needed for today’s world, and therefore need to embrace change not be fearful of it.  Effective communication between all members of the school community is necessary for this to occur.

Conveying the reasons behind the need to change would do much to elevate the angst that often surrounds forced change.

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