Using Creative Commons

Helping our teachers and students understand copyright is fundamental if we are to help our schools develop ethical digital citizens.  It is easier than ever to ‘copy’ creative works, yet fundamental that we realise the importance of attributing the work correctly and checking that it can be used in the manner intended before we proceed.   Copyright and fair-use can be very complicated and to help clarify, I have located some fantastic resources, available for reuse, which can be used for teachers or students.

Copyright and Fair Use Animation is a short video explaining the need for copyright and the terms of fair use.  There are two levels of video discussion questions available from the Common Sense Education website for if you sign up as a member.

(Common Sense Education, 2014) Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Greg Lloyd’s YouTube video “Simple Creative Commons image search” helps visual students understand how to find images that have been labelled for reuse using various search tools.

(Lloyd, 2009)  Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Creative Commons have also created a PDF for students and teachers called Finding CC materials using the Creative Commons Search Portal explaining how to use the search functions in the Creative Commons website which is available for distribution (ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation, n.d.).

It is our role as educators to ensure that our students are equipped with the knowledge and understanding of how to be ethical digital citizens.  Teaching them how to source their images, music, and videos without breaking copyright is part of this education.


ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation. (n.d.). How to find Creative Commons materials using the Creative Commons search portal. Retrieved from

Common Sense Education. (2014, September 5). Copyright and fair use animation [Video file]. Retrieved from

Lloyd, G. (2009, December 30). Simple creative commons image search [Video file]. Retrieved from

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