Must Read Article – Apps and eResources


I have just finished reading an amazing article on collecting and cataloguing electronic resources written by Kay Cantwell  (2013) Living appily ever after in the library, and my head is buzzing.

This practical article sets out succinctly how to identify, curate, collect, promote and evaluate apps for your school library.  The evaluation checklist compiled by Kay is a fantastic resource to have on hand for teachers to use before requesting the purchase or use of an app.  Throughout the article there are links to google forms for the purpose of requesting purchase and evaluating apps purchased.  The school I am currently working in uses a similar Microsoft product called Forms.  Reading this article has reminded me of the ease at which we as librarians can get feedback and requests from our students and teachers.  Utilising a library Pinterest page to promote recommended electronic resources is a brilliant yet simple idea.

Cantwell, K. (2013). Living appily ever after in the libraryConnections, 86, 6-7. Retrieved from

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