INF533 – Literature in Digital Environments

And the evolution of the librarian continues….

Having successfully completed subject one in my formal education to becoming a qualified teacher librarian it is now time to begin subject two: “Literature in Digital Environments” aka INF533.  I am excited to delve into digital storytelling and a little apprehensive that my creativity will desert me at my time of need.  In preparation I googled “digital storytelling” and found Emily Bailin’s TEDx talk The power of digital storytellingI don’t know if this is where this subject will take me, but after viewing Emily’s talk I am excited to explore how the power that adding visual and audio can “enhance our stories and make our connection more powerful” (TEDxSoleburySchool, 2014).


TEDxSoleburySchool. (2014, June). Emily Bailin: The power of digital storytelling [Video file].  Retrieved from


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