Wait, I can’t just copy that photo?

Graphic on computer
Rubén Menárguez via Unsplash

Creative Commons

We all know about referencing and rightfully acknowledging the work of others in writing and ideas, but did you know that right of ownership extends to images as well?
So, in answer to your question you probably can’t just copy that picture and paste it into your work – it may belong to somebody else, so you had better check out the copyright on it first.

I knew to search for copyright free images, but I was unaware that it was called creative commons and it was polite protocol to caption creative common pictures/artworks with the author and source. On deeper thinking of the subject it only seems fair to acknowledge somebody’s work, even if they have given permission for you to freely use it for personal or commercial purposes. Plus, by giving a caption you are also allowing other people to access the source of the graphic.

There are different types of creative commons. To learn more about creative commons, visit the Creative Commons Australia website at https://creativecommons.org.au/learn or Core Education’s blog on legally using images at http://blog.core-ed.org/blog/2018/05/hey-lets-be-careful-out-there-how-to-legally-reuse-images-from-the-internet.html


Core Education. (2018). Hey, let’s be careful out there – How to legally reuse images from the internet. Retrieved from http://blog.core-ed.org/blog/2018/05/hey-lets-be-careful-out-there-how-to-legally-reuse-images-from-the-internet.html

Creative Commons Australia. (n.d.). Learn about CC. Retrieved from https://creativecommons.org.au/learn/

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