Up to 80% of uni students don’t read their assigned readings. Here are 6 helpful tips for teachers

On this Friday the 17th of September, I discussed with Study Support Team and Library Team this article: Up to 80% of uni students don’t read their assigned readings. Here are 6 helpful tips for teachers. I was interested in  looking at why uni students are not engaged with reading their textbooks and how educators can overcome this difficulty. Here are some extracts from the article:

Why are readings so often left unread? 

I have highlighted these are the main reasons for not reading textbooks:

unpreparedness due to language deficits

time constraints

lack of motivation

underestimating the importance of the readings.

We discussed also the strategies that might be used by educators to help students’ engagements such conducting workshops that teach student how to read effectively and pre class and in class activities.

More to be found in this session recording:




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