ETL 503

Part B: Reflective Practice ETL503

The Library Collection – a growing organism designed to support learning.   During this semester, diving deep into the world of Collection Development in ETL503, I have discovered a myriad of challenges and priorities facing the complex role of the Teacher Librarian (TL) within this process. Kimmel, (2014) describes Collection Development as both an organic… Continue reading Part B: Reflective Practice ETL503

ETL 503

Ethics, Censorship and Collection Development Policy

The Teacher Librarian (TL) is faced with surmounting challenges to avoid censorship and uphold the students’ rights to intellectual freedom. Censorship itself is a difficult concept to define, a fluidic notion that changes with the times (Duthie, 2010). Moody (2005) describes an accepted key aspect of censorship involves a significant restriction of free access to… Continue reading Ethics, Censorship and Collection Development Policy

ETL 503

Library Collection Development or Management?

The Library Collection is a growing organism designed to support learning. The library collection’s overarching Purpose: Assisting inquiry Transfer of information Development of knowledge.   Collections are constantly undergoing change and should be seen within the context of the school community. Collections must include the vast needs of all the stakeholders, including students, teachers, administrators,… Continue reading Library Collection Development or Management?