Digital Citizenship · Digital Intelligence · ETL523

ETL523 Part B: Critical reflection blog post

This journey began with a closer examination of Education 4.0, a shift in education integrating advanced technologies and innovative strategies, enhancing learning experiences and prepare students for the demands of the future. This shift represents a transformative approach to education that not only embraces technological advancements but fosters collaboration in order to prepare students for… Continue reading ETL523 Part B: Critical reflection blog post

Digital Citizenship · Digital Intelligence · ETL523

Do We Drop The Digital?

There is no doubt, that in educational settings, teaching students to be citizens has been around since the dawn of schooling. However, since the Covid pandemic of 2020 the use of digital tools among students, both in their academic studies and personal lives has drastically accelerated. This resulted in a growing need to prepare students… Continue reading Do We Drop The Digital?