ETL 401

A Step in a New Direction

Admittedly, my experience so far in my Masters of Teacher Librarianship has been overwhelming, a swirling of new information and an untraveled terrain. Looking at the discussion posts, of those already in the position and or having experience to use as a stepping stone, has left me feeling very behind and out of the loop so to speak.

So I approached my school’s HR to see if I would be able to undertake some TL professional development, to help get my feet wet and they accepted. Yay for me!

At the end of March I was lucky enough attended the AIS symposium on Reading Critically, Deeply and for Enjoyment. What a day!! My first experience at meeting other TL’s from local independent schools and receiving such a lovely warm welcome into their world. A chance to discuss my teaching experience and my path of a new direction as a TL, earning so much positive feedback and encouragement.

The program was packed with differing perspectives on reading, from researchers, authors, a bookseller and of course TLs. Both my brain and heart exploded with the wealth of knowledge and rich experience which was flowing hour after hour and I finally felt like I had a little taste of what is to come. I also found, through each presenter, a link to my own teaching choices and practices and with that realised how much I do already have to bring to the table, that I’m not starting from scratch, that in fact all I’m doing in taking a new route using the skills and knowledge I have as my navigation system.

Obviously, I was extremely inspired to be in a room with such professional, dedicated and passionate TLs sharing their wealth of experience but also discovered just how much they enjoyed it too. The idea of isolation vanishing in their collaborative sharing and support for one another, making me realise just how valuable days like that are for all us.

When I returned to school and let HR know of my feedback, they offered me another chance to attend more TL professional development. Now, I’m off to the Annual TL Conference in May!

I may not be in a library yet but I’m stepping into this new direction with a little more confidence.


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