About me


Well, this is a little awkward.

I make students write all the time. I make them add in figurative language and colourful imagery and vivid verbs. I tell them, “It doesn’t have to be perfect for goodness sake, just write!” Yet here I am…trying to write my first ever blog post and struggling to get started!

So I guess I’ll just write.

My name is Kylie O’Brien: wife, mother of three, and up until last year, a high school English teacher. I’m still a high school English teacher, but I’ve moved to a different school (after 14 years of being at the same one!) and into the role of Teacher Librarian – a role I’m about to study for, but have technically already started. I have learnt SO MUCH in the first six weeks of school and I have enjoyed every minute of it (which is saying a lot for someone who really loves her comfort zone).

Things I love: reading (obviously), stripey t-shirts, cheese, yoga, Mexican food, and too much Netflix. Things I don’t love: snakes, Cardi B (what IS she saying?!), and not knowing what the heck I’m doing…which bodes well for starting a whole new career path at a brand new school, right? But for the first time in a long time, I get up in the morning excited to go to work – which I hope means I’m on the right track!