About me


Well, this is a little awkward.

I make students write all the time. I make them add in figurative language and colourful imagery and vivid verbs. I tell them, “It doesn’t have to be perfect for goodness sake, just write!” Yet here I am…trying to write my first ever blog post and struggling to get started!

So I guess I’ll just write.

My name is Kylie O’Brien: wife, mother of three, and up until last year, a high school English teacher. I’m still a high school English teacher, but I’ve moved to a different school (after 14 years of being at the same one!) and into the role of Teacher Librarian – a role I’m about to study for, but have technically already started. I have learnt SO MUCH in the first six weeks of school and I have enjoyed every minute of it (which is saying a lot for someone who really loves her comfort zone).

Things I love: reading (obviously), stripey t-shirts, cheese, yoga, Mexican food, and too much Netflix. Things I don’t love: snakes, Cardi B (what IS she saying?!), and not knowing what the heck I’m doing…which bodes well for starting a whole new career path at a brand new school, right? But for the first time in a long time, I get up in the morning excited to go to work – which I hope means I’m on the right track!

3 thoughts on “Hello!”

  1. Hi Kylie. I’m also embracing the awkwardness and plunging in! Our TL is retiring at the end of the year and I’ll be taking over her job. I spend four periods a week in the library now trying to learn everything I can before she leaves. I’m regularly overwhelmed at what I’ve gotten myself into but, I too am finding myself excited to head off to work in the morning! I’m so glad to be on this learning journey alongside you. 🙂

    1. Hi Sarah! It’s so good to know we’re not alone! Thank you so much for your comment – I look forward to sharing this experience with you! 😊

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