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The INF506 Social Networking For Information Professionals course has helped me develop my skills and knowledge as a social networker not only professionally but personally. My friends and family would laugh at the thought of me calling myself a social networker, as I have hardly embraced or participated in online platforms in the past, besides through necessity. Through this course I have come to appreciate the importance of digital connections and engaging on social media platforms. This blog post will demonstrate my growth and ability to engage with my peers by highlighting some of the topics explored during my study of the INF506 Social Networking For Information Professionals course.
From the beginning I came face to face with the complex web of social networking in the Information and society module. I explored the information landscape, web 2.0 technologies, including social media and its impact on organisations, users experiences and societal interactions. Did you know that as of October 2023, over 65% of the world’s population were internet users (Statista, 2023)? Also, according to the We Are Social report findings for Australia (Kemp, 2021):
- 89% of the Australian population are internet users.
- 9% of the population are active social media users.
- 6% of 16- to 64-year-olds own mobile devices.
With statistics such as these, I understand why one of my fellow peers, Cassidy, described technology as the backbone of modern society in her blog post. It was here when I began to realise the complex relationship between society and technology as evident in my comment.
As I continued to work through the content, I explored Social media In Your Organisation, where I learnt about the Library 2.0 movement which emerged in 2005, due to the evolving information landscape. It brought to light the core principles including collaboration, conversation and content creation and the shift to a culture of individuals participating more in information organisations (Truong, 2023a). It was here when I explored the essential knowledge, skills and attributes of an information professional in the digital era, as evident in my OLJ task 8 blog post and was pleased to see several of my peers agreed with my response.
Next on the agenda, was Social Media Tools and Platforms where I explored social networking sites including, blogs and micro blogs, wiki based sites, social news sites, community media sites and virtual and augmented reality (Truong, 2023b). I was able to apply my knowledge and confidently create a mock Instagram page, something I had never achieved previously, and created a social media proposal. I found this task beneficial as I learnt skills I could apply to real life situation both personally and professionally.
I explored the Role of Social Media focusing on the areas of concern, including privacy, ethical issues and digital identity. In my OLJ task 15 blog post I emphasised the complexity of managing personal identities online, discussing the balancing act between privacy and sharing (Adjei et al., 2020), the impact of social media on professional identity, and the need for vigilance in protecting personal data. This led me to acknowledge the challenges including the evolving interactions in the digital landscape, promoting transparency, education, and awareness, especially concerning cybersecurity (Feher, 2019). I extended my understandings as evident on Wendy McDonald’s blog on online identity, as I commented on the issue of associating with people that you trust as it is not always possible to know who you are communicating with. This discussion led me to greater understandings on the importance of social media policies in reducing the possibility of issues arising.
Not only is it vital to understand that social media policies assist in minimising the risk of issues arising, but it is also imperative to ensure information organisations have a thorough policy in place. My blog post for OLJ Task 16 demonstrates my understandings of the importance of developing a comprehensive social media policy for information organisations. It addresses a number of key points including:
- Clear communication of social media objectives.
- Proactive adherence to policy guidelines and risk management.
- Awareness of platform-specific protocols.
- Addressing privacy and security concerns.
- Ensuring employee responsibility in moderating content to align with organisational values and conduct.
Since writing the blog post I have completed further research and have found some critical details that should be included in a social media policy. One of these details is to include a clear outline of who is responsible for the social media strategy (Hursh, 2021). It is important for information organisations to have a social media strategy to effectively engage with their audience, grow followers and create meaningful content (Roach et al., 2021 and Clampitt, 2018).
The last section of this journey encouraged us to question ‘what comes next?’. Blog posts, such as Mariana’s, encouraged me to explore and the future of the technological landscape and the impact this may have on the information profession, such as the pros and cons of virtual and augmented realities. As per my comment on Mariana’s blog post, one of the cons that comes with new technology is the cost involved and the difficulty libraries have with managing budgets and acquiring the tools required for this. Virtual and augmented realities is just the tip of the iceberg for what is to come, so how do we ensure we stay on top of what comes next? It is important to stay up to date with latest trends and never stop learning in this ever-evolving information landscape (King, 2018).
I have always been a person who would prefer to communicate verbally rather than via text or social media, both personally and professionally, but after completing the course this has changed. I see the benefit of communicating through social media as it allows for flexibility and provides a platform where like-minded people can share thoughts and ideas. It is a powerful platform that allows for instant and widespread communication and it allows information to be shared to diverse audiences.
Adjei, J. K., Adams, S., Mensah, I. K., Tobbin, P. E., & Odei-Appiah, S. (2020). Digital identity management on social media: Exploring the factors that influence personal information disclosure on social media. Sustainability, 12(23), 9994.
Clampitt, P. G. (2018). Social media strategy : tools for professionals and organizations. SAGE Publications, Inc.
Feher, K. (2019). Digital identity and the online self: Footprint strategies – An exploratory and comparative research study. Journal of Information Science, 47(2), 192-205.
Hursh, A. (2021, February, 8). How To Create a Library Social Media Policy for Your Staff and Your Community That Encourages Interaction and Keeps Everyone Safe. Super Library Marketing: Practical Tips and Ideas for Library Promotion.
Kemp, S. (2021, January 27). Digital 2021 global overview report. We Are Social.
King, D. L. (2018). Futureproofing Your Library: Stay on track with tech. American Libraries, 49(5), 55.
Roach, A., Rahe, M., & Reijmer, N. (2021). Harnessing social media to build your business.
Statista (2023). Number of internet and social media users worldwide as of October 2023.
Truong, V. (2023a). Module 3- Social Media in your organisation [Lecture notes]. INF506, Interact 2.
Truong, V. (2023b). Module 4 – Social Media tools and platforms [Lecture notes]. INF506,
Social Media & Cultural Diversity In Information Organisations
This blog post brings to light the complex nature of cultural diversity in the realm of social media in an organisational setting. Join me as I explore the benefits and pitfall of this complex web and offer suggestions of how to successfully navigate this dynamic landscape.
We learn cultural messages through social learning. This process, known as “cultural learning,” involves the social learning capacities that enable cumulative cultural evolution (Zhong, 2022). To understand how we adapt to technology, like social media, we need to explore the cultural learning process that influences our usage and behaviour (Zhong, 2022). Cultural learning allows individuals to quickly adapt to cultural settings within technological domains (Zhong, 2022). Relying on cultural learning helps people adjust more swiftly to evolving technological contexts than if they were solely relying on their individual learning experiences and existing knowledge. This concept would be highly beneficial when using social media in an information organisation when your target audience comes from diverse cultural backgrounds. For example, using technology and social media effectively helps individuals enhance their awareness and understanding of multicultural citizenship education (Kumi-Yeboah & Smith, 2016).
According to the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) (2009), electronic resources and multilingual/multicultural access are crucial in the digital age, allowing multicultural communities to engage with their own languages and access diverse content, fostering cultural preservation and exchange. Libraries, embracing Web 2.0 technologies, enable users to create and share content, participate in social networking, and utilise tools like blogs, wikis, and social bookmarking to tailor information to specific cultural needs. IFLA (2009) list other online communication tools, such as SMS and VoIP, to enhance interactions making information accessible and comprehensible for linguistically diverse communities, ultimately promoting cultural diversity and inclusivity in the digital realm. The tools listed above are quite old in the world of the information landscape and today we have countless resources to further enhance cultural diversity and inclusivity. Social media is a great example of this, with platforms such as Facebook, TikTok and Instagram. All these platforms allow for sharing of diverse cultural content in innovative ways. NSW Department of Education (2022) agrees with IFLA’s beliefs that social media allows users to learn about themselves and diverse groups of people. This is important for people to feel a sense of belonging and develop an appreciation for different perspectives.
Unfortunately, with the good also comes the bad. There is a dark side to social media and cultural diversity. Social media is a platform where hate speech and negativity can be a common occurrence. Kennedy’s (2020) study on the negative impact of social media on indigenous people highlighted some disturbing facts including:
- 80% of participants witnessed hate speech at least once a week.
- Digital media, including social media, is seen as a new platform for the exercise of colonial violence, contributing to intergenerational trauma in Indigenous communities.
- Negative content that poses the most significant concerns from an Indigenous perspective includes direct threats of violence, racism, white supremacy, and challenges to Indigenous identity.
- Negativity on social media is reported as a daily occurrence for most participants, indicating a pervasive issue.
These finding are alarming and information organisations must be aware of the potential risks of such negative behaviour occurring on their social media platforms. Luckily, there are a number of strategies information organisations can follow to minimise the risk of such adverse behaviours occurring on their social media platforms. There are a number of guides available for information organisations to follow to avoid such catastrophes. Here are a few of the main steps organisations can take according to Hursh (2021):
- Create a social media policy for staff:
- Emphasise transparency and personal responsibility in online identity and opinions
- Specifies authorised staff for official library accounts and outlines account management procedures.
- Designates responsibility for social media strategy development and implementation.
- Prohibits inappropriate content and safeguards patron privacy.
- Defines moderation roles, scenarios for customer service responses, and criteria for post/comment removal.
2. Create a social media policy for your community:
- Library welcomes participation on all social media platforms.
- Users are encouraged to keep postings and comments appropriate for all audiences.
- Library reserves the right to remove inappropriate content. Inappropriate content includes obscene material, hate speech, personal attacks, threats, private information, potentially defamatory statements, plagiarised material, and unrelated commercial, political, or religious messages.
- Library reserves the right to ban or block users violating the policy.
- The library is not responsible for content posted by others on its social media platforms.
We must be aware of the different ways individual cultures communicate and interact with social media platforms. Different cultures have diverse cultural norms that impact communication styles. Libraries must recognise these differences in order to develop an effective communication strategy in the social media space (Mon, 2015). A study by Sheldon et al. (2017) demonstrated different behaviours of students from two separate cultural groups, Croatian and American, when using Instagram. Although motivation for using Instagram did not vary between the two cultural groups the way they used the platform did. Croatian students lean towards collective behaviour on Instagram, emphasising social interaction. In contrast, American students tend to focus on individualistic trends, prioritising self-promotion and documentation. Young & Rossmann (2017) asked a great question, “who is your community?” Young & Rossmann (2017) believe that it is much easier to communicate with someone you know rather than a stranger. This can be related to interactions with diverse cultures on social media as it is important to know how different cultures communicate and their motivations for specific behaviours on social media sites. Once you know the behavioural differences between cultures you can target dialogue that appeals to specific groups of people.
I have covered a number of areas including the benefits and pitfalls of cultural diversity in social media including its ability to bring communities together or tear them apart. It is important to remember information organisations have the power to safeguard against the negative aspects by creating thorough social media policies to reduce the risk of unsavoury outcomes. Information professionals have the power to pave the way for a more inclusive and respectful digital community.
Hursh, A. (2021, February 8). How To Create a Library Social Media Policy for Your Staff and Your Community That Encourages Interaction and Keeps Everyone Safe. Super Library Marketing: Practical Tips and Ideas for Library Promotion.
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) (2009). Multicultural Communities: Guidelines for Library Services 3rd ed, 2009.
Kennedy, T. (2020, November). Indigenous Peoples’ Experiences of Harmful Content on Social Media. Macquarie University.
Kumi-Yeboah, A., & Smith, P. (2016). Critical Multicultural Citizenship Education among Black Immigrant Youth: Factors and Challenges. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 18(1), 158–182.
Mon, L. (2015). Social Media and Library Services (1st ed.). Springer International Publishing.
NSW Department of Education (2022). What are the benefits of social media? Digital Citizenship.
Sheldon, P., Rauschnabel, P. A., Antony, M. G., & Car, S. (2017). A cross-cultural comparison of Croatian and American social network sites: Exploring cultural differences in motives for Instagram use. Computers in Human Behavior, 75, 643–651.
Young, S. W. H., & Rossmann, D. (Eds.). (2017). Using social media to build library communities : a LITA guide. Rowman & Littlefield.
Zhong, B. (2022). Social media communication: trends and theories. John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Social networking platforms have become integral facets of individuals’ lives, encompassing both personal and professional domains. This rise of social networking platforms brings to light several issues that must be acknowledged and examined in order to ensure the safety and best interest of organisations and individuals. There are 5 main points I would advise a Social Media Policy Working Group regarding the development of a policy when employees use Web 2.0 tools and spaces for work and personal use while using organisations’ computers/network and time. These include:
- Ensuring clear objectives for social media use are communicated and understood by all employees. This will ensure the organisations objectives for the page are the focus at all times and avoid issues including level of productivity. As social media is used for both personal and professional purposes, guidelines to maintain balance and avoid personal use during working hours will avoid impacting productivity in the workplace (Demeka et al., 2018). This can be achieved through ongoing training of all employees ensuring they are up to date with any changes to policy (Junestrom, 2019).
- Take a proactive approach by following policy guidelines and risk management protocols (Demeka et al., 2018) including acceptable behaviour including lawful and non-disruptive conduct and meet the organisation’s expectations in regard to appropriate communication, content, language and engagement.
Employees must be aware of platform specific protocols and ensure customers are aware of these protocols. For example, employees ensure customers are aware of appropriate interactions, content and tone. Out lining these protocols is important to assist in the maintenance of the
organisations reputation (Soens & Claeys, 2021).
- Be aware and address any privacy or security concerns including sensitive information. All employees cannot share any personal or confidential information on any public forums as this will protect the organisation and individuals involved. Strict security guidelines must be followed in regard to logging in, including changing passwords regularly, especially when someone has left the organisation (Corsillo, 2019).
- Ensure employees understand their responsibility to moderate any content to make sure all information and correspondence on the platform is aligned with the organisations values and code of conduct. Employees must understand the different level of breaches and the appropriate action to be taken if a breach occurs (Australian Maritime Safety Authority, 2017).
Australian Maritime Safety Authority. (2017, November 21). Social media terms of use.
Corsillo, G. K. (28 June, 2019). Staying social:Why your library needs social media policies.
Demek, K. C., Raschke, R. L., Janvrin, D. J., & Dilla, W. N. (2018). Do organizations use a formalized risk management process to address social media risk? International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 28, 31-44. doi:
Juneström, A. (2019). Emerging practices for managing user misconduct in online news media comments sections. Journal of Documentation, 75(4), 694-708. doi:10.1108/JD-09-2018-0143
Soens, E., & Claeys, A.-S. (2021). Can organizations guide employees’ social media behavior? The benefits of incentive rather than restrictive social media guidelines. Journal of Communication Management, 25(4).
Managing our personal identities online can be complex and often confusing. Adjei et al’s. (2020) study on digital identity management outlined how managing our personal identities involved a balancing act between sharing and privacy. The study highlighted discrepancies between peoples claimed privacy concerns and actual behaviour on social media. Personally, I often feel I’m walking a tight rope when making decisions on what to share. I feel I air on the side of caution when sharing personal details online but yet have had my credit card hacked multiple times. It’s true we are constantly assessing the risks and trustworthiness of online sites and managing the many influences the digital landscape exposes us to (Adjei et al, 2020) but, what we think and our actions do not always line up. We need to be mindful of our digital footprint and use security settings with caution (Adjei et al., 2020).

Brandtzaeg & Chaparro-Domínguez’s (2020) research on understanding identity transition in social media brought to light a number of important points. Social media users have their lives displayed for the world to see and this brings a number of challenges including how they manage personal information from younger years, where they experimented, and develop this into a professional identity. We all made mistakes when we were younger, but should we be judged for something that happened more than 5 years ago by a prospective employer? Should we have to censor what we post about our personal lives because it may impact our professional lives? The shift from youth to professional has led some individuals to face challenges and feel trapped by their digital persona on social media (Brandtzaeg & Chaparro-Domínguez, 2020). Feher (2019) states when creating an online image, it is vital to actively manage and control the information we share to portray ourselves in the way we envisioned.
The way we are perceived is one thing, but protecting our personal data is another. Personal data protection should be a priority and we must actively manage and control the information we share (Feher, 2019). With the evolving digital landscape, the way we interact and manage our online presences must also evolve (Feher, 2019) and education and awareness are imperative. It is important for individuals to maintain vigilance when it comes to their digital identity. Transparency should be priority when it comes to personal data and organisations must be proactive and ensure people are educated and empowered with knowledge on data protection.
Adjei, J. K., Adams, S., Mensah, I. K., Tobbin, P. E., & Odei-Appiah, S. (2020). Digital identity management on social media: Exploring the factors that influence personal information disclosure on social media. Sustainability, 12(23), 9994.
Brandtzaeg, P. B., & Chaparro-Domínguez, M.-Á. (2020). From youthful experimentation to professional identity: Understanding identity transitions in social media. Young, 28(2), 157-174.
Feher, K. (2019). Digital identity and the online self: Footprint strategies – An exploratory and comparative research study. Journal of Information Science, 47(2), 192-205.
The information professional is a complex role that has changed and will continue to change over the years. The manifesto created by Laura Cohen, Tedx talk by Mark Ray and articles by Akwang (2021), Ayinde and Kirkwood (2020) and Burton (2019) give unique perspective on what it takes to be an information professional in the digital era. From these talks and articles I have written my own definition demonstration my understandings of what I believe to be the essential knowledge, skills, and attributes of an information professional in the digital era.
Definition of the information professional in the digital era-
The role of the information professional has changed dramatically since the beginning of the digital age. It requires multifaceted skill set including traditional library skills alongside future focused technological proficiencies. An information professional must have a deep knowledge of up-to-date technologies including social media platforms to retrieve and share information. Information professionals must be experts on the principals of information and knowledge management to best meet the needs of their customers and be experts on information literacy. In order to achieve this information professionals must –
- Have strong communication skills.
- Be customer service orientated.
- Have strong management skills to ensure optimal delivery of services.
- Be lifelong learners and adapt to the ever-changing information landscape by staying up to date with technological advancements and the ever-changing information landscape.
- Be a strategic thinker and embrace innovation.
- Work collaboratively and network with a variety of teams and departments to improve information access and services.
- Conduct themselves in an ethical manner and understand laws and regulations in the areas or data protection and intellectual property.
An information professional in the digital age must be flexible, tech savvy creative person who supports information literacy, adapts to new situations, works well with others and envisions libraries as vibrant centres of knowledge. They are more than resource selectors as they provide users with the tools to successfully navigate, comprehend in an ever more complicated and ever-changing information landscape.
Akwang, N. E. (2021). A study of librarians’ perceptions and adoption of Web 2.0 technologies in academic libraries in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(2), 102299.
Ayinde, L., & Kirkwood, H. (2020). Rethinking the roles and skills of information professionals in the 4th Industrial Revolution. Business Information Review, 37(4), 142-153.
Burton, S. (2019). Future skills for the LIS profession. Online Searcher, 43(2), 42-45.
Cohen, L. (2006, November 6). A Librarian’s 2.0 Minfesto [Video]. YouTube.
Mark, R. (2016, June 8). Changing the Conversation About Librarians [Video]. YouTube.
Laura Cole made a number of points in her video, ‘The Reimagined Library – Where will it find you?’, that has opened my eyes to the possibilities in revolutionising the school library. Library 2.0 ethos has had an overwhelming impact on the possibilities for libraries and has opened the door to countless options. I work in a public school library in the Hills district in Sydney. Our library has 90 devices available for student use in the library and across the school we 3:4 ratio of devices to student. This high number of devices available to students enabling me to implement points made by Laura that embrace the Library 2.0 ethos.
- One key point Laura makes is breaking barriers to information accessibility. Our library offers a broad range of resources including e-books and audiobooks and students with a range of abilities have been educated on how to access these and this has proven to break down accessibility barriers. It is important to ensure all students have access to resources and as a librarian it is important to embrace these digital resources as required.
- Laura also highlighted the role of the librarian from custodians of books to facilitators of knowledge exploration. This includes not only guiding students through various digital resources but also collaborating with teachers in integrating technology within the curriculum. Supporting students and teachers through the digital landscape is essential as the librarian acts a navigator.
- Library as a collaborative learning space. Library 2.0 ethos involves transforming a passive study space into a vibrant hub where collaboration and interactive sessions bring the school community together to learn and become active participants. My library still resembles a traditional space in that we have many books available for loan but it has evolved over the years. Fortunately, my school had a new library built and this was a great opportunity to reduce the number of physical books and introduce a digital collection that proved to be invaluable during COVID lock down.
- Laura also highlights that as the need to store books is reduced the library space can be redefined by optimising space and flexibility. The space can be set up to accommodate the digital tools and equipment required to access multimedia resources. It can also be redesigned to accommodate collaborative work areas and various learning styles to accommodate all students. Even though my school library has books that need to be shelved we also have space for flexible seating and devices to allow for collaborative learning spaces to accommodate technology driven activities.
Laura Cole’s perspectives on Library 2.0 can serve as a guide to the transformation of our school libraries into technology hubs including collaborative spaces that break barriers to access resources and are managed by teacher librarians. This will assist in creating an inclusive vibrant hub that fosters collaborative learning while accommodating diverse needs.
Cole, L. (2016, April 16). BiblioTech as the re-imagined public library: Where will it find you? [Video]. YouTube.
The influence of technology on society has been monumental as it has changed the way we live and interact. It has had a massive impact on the way we communicate, learn and work. In recent years there is no arguing that the changes have been rapid and this fast-paced nature of the evolving technological landscape is not slowing down anytime soon. The influence of technology on society has provided people with many opportunities including access to, and the spread of, information. It allows people to connect instantly to others all around the world. The access to this amazing technological landscape has also introduced many challenges, not only for people but also organisations.
There are a number of points organisations need to consider now due to the impact of technology. As outlined in the Digital 2021 report, just under 60% (this number would have risen significantly due to the impact of COVID-19) of the population use the internet. Due to this large percentage of internet users organisations are now faced with many issues they did not have to contend with in the past including:
- Cyber security
- Digital transformation
- Data management and storage
- Ethical issues
- Remote employees
Other points organisations need to consider include how they connect with consumers as the use of the internet has now surpassed other media forms including television. Also, the fact that the most common reason to use the internet is finding information. So, with this in mind how do organisation ensure users are connecting with their websites or social media accounts? Another point organisations need to consider is the way people search for information. The most common way for people to search for information is through conventional search engines but this is changing as voice search, brand search on social media and the use of recognition tools are becoming more common. More than half the world population use social media and this number is growing and as technology continues to advance and voice and recognition tools are becoming the norm. Organisations must implement strategic approaches to marketing, including social media platforms, and maintain a presence on some of the most popular platforms (We Are Social, 2021). Organisations must be adaptable in an ever-evolving digital age and ensure they maintain a future focus.
We Are Social. (2021, January). Digital 2021: The Latest Insights into the State of Digital. We Are Social.
The article I chose to analyse is ‘Will Using Social Media Benefit or Harm Users’ Self-Esteem?’ by Yang Han and Feng Yang. This article brings to light the argument that the positive or negative impact social media has on a person’s self-esteem is related to relational-closeness. The article has a strong introduction as the author’s identify the inconsistencies in recent research on the positive or negative impact social media has on a person’s self-esteem. For example, Social support has been seen as boosting self-esteem, and studies have shown a positive link between using social media and one’s self-esteem (Nabi et al., 2013; Tao & Cheng, 2018 as cited in Han & Yang, 2023). Yet, in opposition to these discoveries, alternative studies propose that the use of social media may have a negative impact on individuals’ self-esteem (Jan et al., 2017; Jiang & Ngien, 2020 as cited in Han & Yang, 2023). These recognised inconsistencies are the motivation behind the research conducted by the authors of the article as they aimed to reconcile the contradictory findings.
The article provides detailed descriptions of two studies conducted to determine the relationship between relational-closeness and the impact social media has on a person’s self-esteem. Thus, arriving to the conclusion that a high level of relational-closeness has a positive impact on self-esteem whereas, low level of relational-closeness has a negative impact on self-esteem. The article maintains a critical perspective by outlining and acknowledging the limitations of the research including the use of a wider variety of social media platforms as each have unique features and product positioning and varying market influences.

I agree with the findings from this research article but feel more in depth and detailed research would help to pinpoint and analyse the complex nature of this issue. The article relies on perceived social support and generalises as it is based on Chinese social media platforms. It does not focus on other factors that may impact the relationship between social media and self-esteem. Other factors to consider could include individual differences, personality traits and motivations for using social media. Furthermore, Global perspectives would allow for greater depth and understandings. All these factors could have a colossal impact on how people perceive their self-esteem when interacting on social media. The issue is so complex and multilayered and future research must ensure it continues to explore the multifaceted nature of the impact social media has on people.
Han, Y., & Yang, F. (2023). Will Using Social Media Benefit or Harm Users’ Self-Esteem? It Depends on Perceived Relational-Closeness. Social Media + Society, 9(4).