This pathfinder is based on Year 7 History Ancient Egypt.
You will be able to find information on all areas of the topic which includes:
- The physical features of ancient Egypt an example of this is the River Nile.
- The roles of each level of Egyptian society (such as the nobility, bureaucracy, women, slaves), which includes the influence of law and religion on each group.
- The beliefs and values of the ancient Egyptians, including everyday life, warfare, or death and funerary customs.
- How Egyptians interacted with other societies, resulting in taking over other lands, trade, and peace treaties.
- The role of important people in ancient Egyptian history such as Hatshepsut or Ramses II.
Your Task
You have been chosen as part of a time travel experiment to Ancient Egypt.
Before you go you need to choose 2 possible levels of society you will live in. (Be careful with your decision as the most obvious answer may not always be the best.)
Discuss the benefits and negatives of each level in Ancient Egyptian Society from your perspective living in that level. Make sure you include aspects such as warfare, funerary customs, the River Nile, Law and Religion’
Assessment Criteria
1 Level of basic knowledge of each level of Ancient Egyptian Society.
Circle 1 2 3 4 5 (1 least knowledge – 5 In depth Knowledge)
2 In depth knowledge of 1st Level of Society.
Circle 1 2 3 4 5 (1 least knowledge – 5 In depth Knowledge)
3 In depth knowledge of 2nd Level of Society.
Circle 1 2 3 4 5 (1 least knowledge – 5 In depth Knowledge)
Resource Key
When accessing content use the numbers below to guide you:
Brief, basic information laid out in a simple format. May use informal language.
Provides further background information and additional reading. Introduces some subject language.
Lengthy, detailed information. Frequently uses technical language.