Fear and Anxiety
Have I lost the battle at the start?
Till recently, I had been thinking that it was most noble to stand against the onslaught of the social media frenzy. I do not have a Twitter account, no Instagram, not Blogging till now, and holding onto an inactive Facebook account (requested to open an account, to support a friend’s business). The strong statement I always use to justify my position was: Do I need to be updated with the proliferation of the latest information and news happening all around the world?
Then, as I start reading the Lesson Outlines of ETL 401 and ETL 531 modules, engaging in social media seems much necessary to excel in this course. It is perceived as a significant medium of exchange to attain and share knowledge in various fields of work within an Information Age that we are living in. Attending a school conference last week and hearing a prominent university lecturer proclaiming that we need to get into Twitter to get the latest research and advancements made in the literacy field, affirms my renewed stance to see social media forms in a new light. So, blogging…here I come.