Week 2 – Project Description, Objective and Scope

Project Aim/Objectives: The ultimate objective of this study is to identify augmented reality game-based solution which is according to medically recommended standards has the potential to motivate children who suffer from obesity or overweight to involve in more energy expenditure activities.

Scope: – Children within age range 10 to 18 is planning to consider and all ages not be considered during this available time of the study. Currently available exergame devices also consider in this study and will provide advantages and disadvantage with comparing to main objective which is reduce the child obesity.


Deliverables/Outcomes: The results of this study will analyze using given questionnaire to different kind of peoples (Kids, Young peoples, Elders etc). When analyzing the data of questionnaire specially consider patients who want daily exercises and their aspiration of provided exergame and medical details. Planned to provide the analyzed results of gathered data and the conclusion.


Susan Gigli – “Children, Youth and Media around the World” presented at 4th World Summit on Media for Children and Adolescents conference at Inter Media Survey Institute for UNICEF, April 2004, Rio de Janeiro

World Health Organization – Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health [online]

Available: http://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/pa/en/

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