Week 12 – Final Report and Presentation

Childhood obesity becoming a major problem to the world because its repercussions effect to the future adulthood and many illnesses during the lifetime. The intention of the research is to find out the solution for childhood obesity in a medically approach and scale of applicability of augmented reality based exergame solution to decrease the child obesity. Children’s exercise methods in present era, their daily routine will be identified and will plan to proceed this research by considering those factors. In this study, plan to identify and discuss currently available solutions to solve this phenomenon.

In this final report I have described all the information that I have carried out in this semester. Although, I have included the presentation slides for the report as well.

Week 12 – Progress Report

Name: Kanishka Niroshan Adikari Arachchilage
Project Title: Manipulation of Augmented Reality for Child’s Energy Expenditure
Week No: 12 Date: 29th May 2020  
1. Finish final report



Finish it before 29th


Successfully finished
2. Finish presentation slides Completed by 29th May Successfully Completed

Complete blog creation and start posting


By end of 29th May 2020



Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET)

The Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET), or simply metabolic equivalent, is a physiological measure expressing the energy cost of physical activities and is defined as the ratio of metabolic rate (and therefore the rate of energy consumption) during a specific physical activity to a reference metabolic rate, set by convention to 3.5 ml O2·kg−1·min−1 or equivalently this is described by Harvard School of Public Health.

MET values

MET values change according to the movement type. Depend on the physical activity type change the MET value.  Table 2 shows sample MET values of sample physical activity types.


MET. [Online] Last Access 28th of May 2020


Week 11 – Progress Report

Name: Kanishka Niroshan Adikari Arachchilage
Project Title: Manipulation of Augmented Reality for Child’s Energy Expenditure
Week No: 11 Date: 20th May 2020  
1. Read more articles to gather information for final report



Completed by end of the week


Success Have to read more
2. Continue final report writing Continue until 29th Successfully continuing
ISSUES Some research materials request payment for read.

Complete blog creation and start posting


By end of 20th May 2020



Week 10 – Progress Report

Name: Kanishka Niroshan Adikari Arachchilage
Project Title: Manipulation of Augmented Reality for Child’s Energy Expenditure
Week No: 10 Date: 13th May 2020  
1. Study about Microsoft Kinect



End of this week


Successfully Completed
2. Gather information about movement tracking devices Completed by end of week Successfully gathered information
ISSUES Some research materials request payment for read.

Complete blog creation and start posting


By end of 13th May 2020



Microsoft Kinect for Windows

Microsoft Kinect for Windows


Microsoft Kinect is a marker less motion capturing device which is coming with Xbox. Kinect can recognize people’s body movements, gestures and spoken commands. Kinect gives a simplified skeleton in real time and the skeleton is made of 15 joints. Most special part is Kinect can integrate with third party software development tool and a developer can access kinect commands from this software tool. Kinect can work in different kind of lightning conditions, recognize six peoples and track two skeletons among them.

Kinect utilize multiple sensors RGB camera, three-axis accelerometer. Kinect device enables XBOX players to control the game without using any input device, only using body movements in 3D space. From Kinect for windows can access to low level streams from the depth sensor and can track the skeleton image of one or two peoples.

Week 9 – Annotated Bibliography and Journal Synopsis

I have studied several journals during this research period and in this assignment i described 12 articles that I have studied. In this post I’ll explain how I described those articles by posting two out of those 12.


Source A: Journal Article


Citation A: Chapman, P., et al. (2020). “Targeting childhood obesity through primary schools: reviewing alignment amongst English policies for physical activity and healthy eating.” Child and Adolescent Obesity 3(1): 20-41.


Description: As per the author explanation researches can deeply study about child obesity in primary schools in England.  English policy documents which were released from 2007 to 2017 are the root for factors for this study.


Critique: This study demonstrates government’s approaches and implementations for this phenomenon and the alignments of polices that were introduced by the authorities. In addition, long-term and short-term ambitions to prevent the future workforce from such deprivations. Although, different level of consequences and wide range of organisational influence are needed to succeed from this problem.


Evaluation: The main accoutrements for the childhood obesity is to enhance the physical activity and healthy eating, and also government political prioritisation to prevent the inactivity of children and increase the nutritious meals for their daily consumption.


Source B: Journal Article


Citation B: O’Dea, J. A. (2004). “Prevention of child obesity: ‘First, do no harm’.” Health Education Research 20(2): 259-265.


Description: Major actions and methods that have been taken by the government and other necessary organisations to prevent from child obesity is explain throughout this article, and the threatening outcomes of the fatness is also discussed in this study.


Critique: The main point of this study is to find out the difference between prevention and treatment of obesity. The treatment of child overweight should just happen in a directed clinical setting after an intensive and suitable clinical evaluation. Taking the healthy foods, physical activity and mental stableness can be considered as methods of prevention.


Evaluation: Youngster heftiness anticipation is a significant contemporary wellbeing instruction point that won’t die down for an exceptionally prolonged stretch of time. To conclude, the prevention theory discussed in this study is properly plan, design, implement and evaluate the most appropriate, relevant and effective child obesity prevention strategies. Health professionals are obliged to move toward the issue of child fatness anticipation with an expansive viewpoint, and at first need to guarantee, that preventive endeavours must be sure to do no damage.

Week 9 – Progress Report

Name: Kanishka Niroshan Adikari Arachchilage
Project Title: Manipulation of Augmented Reality for Child’s Energy Expenditure
Week No: 09 Date: 07th May 2020  
1. Completed assignment 3



Finished before due date


Successfully Finished
2. Read 12 journals for gather information Completed by end of week Successfully gathered information
ISSUES Some research materials request payment for read.

Complete blog creation and start posting


By end of 07th May 2020



Week 8 – Progress Report

Name: Kanishka Niroshan Adikari Arachchilage
Project Title: Manipulation of Augmented Reality for Child’s Energy Expenditure
Week No: 08 Date: 29th April 2020  
1. Read articles about energy expenditure


Completed by end of the week


Successfully Completed
2. Search about currently available exergame devices Completed by end of week Success
ISSUES Some research materials request payment for read.

Complete blog creation and start posting


By end of 29th April 2020



Motion Tracking

As explained in Ashish S, Mukesh A, Anima S, Pankhuri D motion capturing and using motions to video games changed the gaming industry to a new era. Motion capturing can be done in several methods and using several tools. Motion capturing process can be classify into two major categories, Marker based and Marker less.

1. Marker based motion capture

Figure 1: Marker based motion capture. (LambSoft: Production Work)

To capture actor’s motions various types of markers are placed and record the body movements of actor. Figure 4 shows the steps of motion capturing process. Once placed on marker on actor’s body then the performer’s skeleton is identified and according to performer skeleton then create the character skeleton. Finally, the skinned character will create based on the identified character.


Below points were identified during the Marker based motion capturing process

  • External devices needed to mark the actor’s body and capture the movements
  • Cost is high
  • Accuracy is high
  • Time require to setup the device is also high

2.  Marker less motion capture


Wearing of special equipment, special devices avoid in marker less motion capturing process. Then actor can do the activity in a freely manner. In this method actor’s movements is recorded in multiple video streams. Recorded video streams will analyze from a special computer vision algorithm. This method motion capturing part done from specific software and this will help to decrease the cost.   These days available various kind of marker less devices and Microsoft Kinect is an example for that.


Below points were identified during the Marker less motion capturing process.

  • External devices no needed to mark the actor’s body and capture the movements
  • Cost is low
  • Accuracy is low
  • Time require to setup the device is also low


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