
Thoughts on working and studying as a TL

Consider the issues raised in Acquiring ebooks


Morris, C. & Sibert, L. Chapter 6, Acquiring ebooks. In S. Polanka (Ed.), No shelf required : E-books in libraries [ALA Editions version] (Chapter 6, pp. 95-124). Retrieved from http://ebookcentral.proquest.com.ezproxy.csu.edu.au/lib/csuau/detail.action?docID=598919
Consider the issues raised in this chapter

Digital platforms have become central to 21st education and libraries devote more of their budget to acquisition of e-resources. (Rutherford, Singleton, Derr & Merga, 2018, p.1) Ebooks have presented challenges for school libraries who are primarily designed for physical resources with “debate over the pros and cons of implementing e-books into school continuing to be robust” (Maugham, 2015).

This chapter on acquiring ebooks provides a thorough discussion of the many issues relating to ebooks and how they are purchased, processed and maintained. The detailed breakdown of types, fees, business models, access and delivery, licensing, cataloguing and managements are invaluable for understanding the complexity of this market. Librarians and publishers can select from many different models for different prices on a range of platforms.

Librarians could use this chapter as a guide in navigating the options available for acquiring e-books.

School libraries are increasingly providing ebooks , up to 50-60% of USA school libraries according to Matteson, (Matteson, 2016) which means that more school librarians will be spending more time engaging with these issues and managing ebooks as part of the school library collection.


Maugham, S. (2015). School and Library Spotlight: How Schools Buy and Use E-Books. A snapshot of today’s educational e-book market. Retrieved from https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/industry-news/libraries/article/67927-school-and-library-spotlight-how-schools-buy-and-use-e-books.html

Morris, C. & Sibert, L. Chapter 6, Acquiring ebooks. In S. Polanka (Ed.), No shelf required : E-books in libraries [ALA Editions version] (Chapter 6, pp. 95-124). Retrieved from https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/csuau/reader.action?docID=598919&ppg=85
Rutherford, L., (2018). Do digital devices enhance teenagers’ recreational reading engagement? Issues for library policy from a recent study in two Australian. Public Library Quarterly, 37(3), 318-340. https://doi.org/10.1080/01616846.2018.1511214

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