After completing the “Conflict Management Survey” I got the following results:
I am a strong believer in compromise. That yielding does not work and leads to one side feeling “defeated” as does forcing. I found that I agree with problem solving and that both parties need to work together to find a mutually beneficial solution. I did score quite highly in the avoiding sector though.
My approach to managing conflict is to generally work together to find a mutually beneficial solution. This will work the majority of the time expect when the other side takes a more forceful approach with no desire to compromise. Where I often run into trouble though is when I have conflict with an older staff member who will often talk down to me due to the age difference and experience level. This is when I will often try to avoid the conflict in order to work around it.
I believe that this is quite a truthful representation of myself as when I was reading the summary of each section, scenarios and experiences were popping into my head where I had completed certain activities or made compromises which reflected each stage.
I definitely believe I need to work on my avoidance. Conflict is going to happen and by trying to avoid it, I believe it makes it into a bigger issue when it is finally confronted or dealt with.