My name is Iresha Dilhani. I am currently studying in my master of Information Technology. I have already studied and researched cryptography for a previous study purpose and therefore I’m planning to continue the same field of study as it is interesting for me and hopefully would be easy to develop a meaningful research article as the outcome of this subject.
Cryptography is a process that has been used for a long time to convert ordinary plain text into a hidden form of a text. Julius Caesar is known as the first person to used Cryptography to send secret messages to his generals during the war. Since then it has been developed and nowadays it’s used in many areas of applications such as banking transactions, computer passwords, and E-commerce.
To ensure the security of information in computing environments Cryptography plays a major role in digital threats.in information security, the major security goals can be discussed under confidentiality, integrity, and availability and so the role of Cryptography in those goals will be rather discussed in this research.
Trusted operating systems are rather incorporate technology in both features and assurance compared to regular operating systems. The way how objects are accompanied by a trusted operating system is different than ordinary operations with their mechanism of access control.
The research report consists of basic concepts of cryptography algorithms, security goals, various controls to mitigate threats, a brief discussion on trusted operating systems, use of access control mechanism and security policies. Further in this project, the gaps of researches and the issues with algorithms and the solutions will be discussed in detail.