Dilemma and Solutions of Cryptography


My name is Iresha Dilhani. I am currently studying in my master of Information Technology. I have already studied and researched cryptography for a previous study purpose and therefore I’m planning to continue the same field of study as it is interesting for me and hopefully would be easy to develop a meaningful research article as the outcome of this subject.


Cryptography is a process that has been used for a long time to convert ordinary plain text into a hidden form of a text. Julius Caesar is known as the first person to used Cryptography to send secret messages to his generals during the war. Since then it has been developed and nowadays it’s used in many areas of applications such as banking transactions, computer passwords, and E-commerce.

To ensure the security of information in computing environments Cryptography plays a major role in digital threats.in information security, the major security goals can be discussed under confidentiality, integrity, and availability and so the role of Cryptography in those goals will be rather discussed in this research.

Trusted operating systems are rather incorporate technology in both features and assurance compared to regular operating systems. The way how objects are accompanied by a trusted operating system is different than ordinary operations with their mechanism of access control.

The research report consists of basic concepts of cryptography algorithms, security goals, various controls to mitigate threats, a brief discussion on trusted operating systems, use of access control mechanism and security policies. Further in this project, the gaps of researches and the issues with algorithms and the solutions will be discussed in detail.

week 1

Name Punchiralage Iresha Dilhani
Project title Dilemma and Solutions of Cryptography
Week no 1 Date: 04/03/2020
Milestone planned actual comment
Select a research topic and relevant articles.

Write the abstract.

To search for new articles which I have not used in my previous work and to reread old articles to remind my past works. Selected the topic and read some of articles already used in my previous work. It’s interesting to revise all again.
Description Date Results Finished(Y/N)
It was difficult to refine the topic at the beginning. 07/03/2020 Successfully done with the help of the lecturer Y


week 2

Name Punchiralage Iresha Dilhani
Project title Dilemma and Solutions of Cryptography
Week no 2 Date: 12/03/2020
Milestone planned actual comment
To write the abstract by doing further research on it. To complete the abstract. completed I think I should improve the abstract more.
Description Date Results Finished(Y/N)


week 3

Name Punchiralage Iresha Dilhani
Project title Dilemma and Solutions of Cryptography
Week no 3 Date: 20/03/2020
Milestone planned actual comment
Start working on project proposal. To finish writing part of the proposal (introduction,methodology..) Successfully finished introduction and methodology Feel like I should gain more knowledge by reading.
Description Date Results Finished(Y/N)
Confused in conceptual and theoretical framework part. 24/03/2020 Successfully done by searching more. Yes

week 4

Name Punchiralage Iresha Dilhani
Project title Dilemma and Solutions of Cryptography
Week no 4 Date: 27/03/2020
Milestone planned actual comment
Finish the project proposal. Finish WBS, Gantt chart, Time line and finalize Could not finish on time, got one more extra day.
Description Date Results Finished(Y/N)
It was difficult to use the s/w for Gantt chart and WBS as it was the first time I used it. 02/04/2020 to 05/04/2020 Successfully done Yes

week 5

Name Punchiralage Iresha Dilhani
Project title Dilemma and Solutions of Cryptography
Week no 5 Date: 06/04/2020
Milestone planned actual comment
Find more articles and read it. To read at least 3 relevant articles Only 2 articles read. It’s time consuming than expected.
Description Date Results Finished(Y/N)
Could not read 3 articles as expected. 12/04/2020 Successfully done 2 articles. Yes

week 6

Name Punchiralage Iresha Dilhani
Project title Dilemma and Solutions of Cryptography
Week no 6 Date: 23/04/2020
Milestone planned actual comment
Write the annotated bibliography. To start writing it. I studied how to write it.
Description Date Results Finished(Y/N)
Could not write the annotated bibliography.   26/04/2020 no

weekly report

Name Punchiralage Iresha Dilhani
Project title Dilemma and Solutions of Cryptography
Week no 7 Date: 29/04/2020
Planning – start annotated bibliography
Milestone planned actual comment
Collect at least 15 best articles and start writing bibliography Filter the articles and select best of it.

Start to write bibliography and finish at least 5.

Filtered and started writing Few articles were discarded as it is not much relevant
Description Date Results Finished(Y/N)
Since few articles had to discarded again, I have to search good articles. 30/04/2020 to 2/05/2020 Few new articles were found yes


Name Punchiralage Iresha Dilhani
Project title Dilemma and Solutions of Cryptography
Week no 8 Date: 03/05/2020
Planning– to finish annotated bibliography
Milestone planned actual comment
Finish annotated bibliography and submit. To read articles and write bibliography for each one of them.

Arrange in order.

Complete self-evaluation form.

Only 12 articles were used to write bibliography. Some articles were interesting to read and enjoyed the work.
Description Date Results Finished(Y/N)
Again, few more articles were discarded as it is not relevant when read in detail. 5/05/2020 Successfully completed the annotated bibliography with 12 articles yes


Name Punchiralage Iresha Dilhani
Project title Dilemma and Solutions of Cryptography
Week no 9 Date: 13/05/2020
Planning– to do the presentation
Milestone planned actual comment
Finish presentation slides To finish creating ppt slides and get lectures feedback. Roughly finished Since the bibliography is done and already read a lot for that, doing ppt was somewhat easy.
Description Date Results Finished(Y/N)
With the lectures feedback again some articles were replaced as some of them are not recent. Not completed, partially done. no


Name Punchiralage Iresha Dilhani
Project title Dilemma and Solutions of Cryptography
Week no 10 Date: 19/05/2020
Planning – finish PPT and ready for that
Milestone planned actual comment
Finish ppt successfully and start writing final report Finish ppt and start report. Finished ppt
Description Date Results Finished(Y/N)
Had to get ready for 10 minutes, so had to adjust the ppt again and again. Successfully done yes


Name Punchiralage Iresha Dilhani
Project title Dilemma and Solutions of Cryptography
Week no 11 Date: 23/05/2020
Planning – start writing final report
Milestone planned actual comment
Finfishliterature review Use the bibliography to write the literature review

Get ready for ppt presentation

Successfully done Could not use whole articles I read, as the word limit exceeds.
Description Date Results Finished(Y/N)
Had to arrange similar topic articles together and it was little complicated. 25/04/2020 Successfully completed. yes


Name Punchiralage Iresha Dilhani
Project title Dilemma and Solutions of Cryptography
Week no 12 Date: 31/05/2020
Planning – finish final report. Journal
Milestone planned actual comment
Finish the report successfully and the journal Finish the discussion part within 2 days and whole remaining in other days

And post in blog

Successfully done as planned. Feeling relax by finishing almost 90%of work.
Description Date Results Finished(Y/N)
It took much time for page settings than expected. 31/05/2020 completed yes


Annotated bibliography

Source A


Chouksey, S., Agrawal, R., Verma, D., & Metta, T. (2013). Data Authentication Using Cryptography. International Journal of Advanced Computer Research, 3(10), 183–186.


In this paper data authentication problems and solutions has discussed. Possible adjustments from tampering and localizing tampering are provided as the challenges faced in data authentication of cryptography and as the solution cryptography source coding and statistical methods are used.

Source B


Coppersmith, D. (2000). Cryptography. IBM Journal of Research and Development, 44(1), 246-250. Retrieved from https://ezproxy.csu.edu.au/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.csu.edu.au/docview/220681265?accountid=10344


The paper is all about two main aspects used in cryptography which is a Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Diffie-Hellman Key exchange protocol. These two methods use a private key and public key systems respectively. The author defines the cryptography as an art of secret writing and cryptoanalysis as the art of breaking it.

Source C


Dent, A.W.(2020). Choosing Key sizes for cryptography. Information Security Technical report. Retrieved from  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istr.2010.10.006


In the use of Public Key cryptography, one has to decide the length of the key. According to the author, this is one of the challenges in cryptography and therefore this article has investigated the standards for choosing the key length.

Source D


Fernández, R. S., Sentí, V. E., & Heredia, Y. H. (2016). Cryptographic schemes for minutiae template protection. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 14(4), 997-1004. Retrieved from https://ezproxy.csu.edu.au/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.csu.edu.au/docview/1757731535?accountid=10344


One of the most interesting areas of cryptography is discussed in this article, which is the usage of biometrics, especially fingerprint recognition. But according to the authors, there are many different methods have proposed up to now but unfortunately, most of them have not succeeded completely. Therefore this can lead to the misconduct of data as it is not secured enough. The authors suggest that if an efficient biometric data protection process to be carried out there should be three main requirements to be fulfilled: Cryptographic security, Revocability, and performance.

Finally, they propose a new schema for fingerprint detection with high security called a fingerprint minutiae template protection scheme.

Source E


Kapoor, B., Pandya, P., & Sherif, J. S. (2011). Cryptography. Kybernetes, 40(9), 1422-1439. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy.csu.edu.au/10.1108/03684921111169468


The main purpose of this article is to focus on the awareness of data security in network-based attacks. According to the author nowadays the internet is one of the highly used platforms in e-commerce and a threat of disclosure of privacy or confidentiality also parallelly increased. Therefore the use of cryptography is essential in terms of maintaining the seven pillars of security namely Authentication, Authorization, Privacy, Integrity, non- repudiation, Availability, and audit.

Further, in this article author has well explained many algorithms use in cryptography. Euclidean Algorithm and ciphers relate with this such as Substitution cipher, Transposition Cipher, Symmetric cipher, product ciphers, Algebraic structure, block ciphers, etc.

Source F


Kiraz, M.S. A comprehensive meta-analysis of cryptographic security mechanisms for cloud computing. J Ambient Intell Human Comput 7, 731–760 (2016). https://doi-org.ezproxy.csu.edu.au/10.1007/s12652-016-0385-0


The research area of this article is focused on the dilemma of cryptography in cloud computing. According to the author the cloud is mainly developed for the purpose of economic benefits. But the user’s data will be revealed to the cloud and it is a security and privacy concern for the owner. Also, the researcher points out that modern cryptography is more developed recently compared to classical cryptography. In this article, the dilemmas in the cloud and the solutions for them in both modern and classical cryptography is discussed.

Source G


Latifa, e., my ahemed, e. k., Mohamed, e. g., & Omar, a. (2017). blockchain: bitcoin wallet cryptography security, challenges and countermeasures. journal of internet banking and commerce, 22(3), 1-29. retrieved from https://ezproxy.csu.edu.au/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.csu.edu.au/docview/1992203656?accountid=10344


This article describes the security of Bitcoin and peer-to-peer cryptographic currencies. According to the writer Bitcoin is highly built with cryptography knowledge and thus the bitcoin can be directly affected in a situation of an algorithm failure of cryptography. At the same time the writer points out that even the cryptography behind the bitcoin is not broken also still there is a chance of system failure.

Source H


Masoumi, M., Shi, W. & Xu, L. Nanoscale cryptography: opportunities and challenges. Nano Convergence 2, 21 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40580-015-0052-8


By following the ideas of the author an emerging technology should be used to improve the performance of integrated circuits. Further, he describes the nanoelectronics as an important and recent technology used in engineering. In this article it is discussed how the nanotechnology contributes to the cryptographic hardware and illustrated how the nanoscale devices can be used in constructing security primitives.

Source I


Peng, W., ⨯, D. C., & Cheng, S. (2018). One-time-pad cryptography scheme based on a three-dimensional DNA self-assembly pyramid structure. PLoS One, 13(11) doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy.csu.edu.au/10.1371/journal.pone.0206612


In classical cryptography one-time pad encryption is one of the most popular encryption systems. But according to the authors of this article the security of the data is totally depends on the secret key and it is not easy to generate a truly random key which is at least long as the plain text. Therefore the researchers have moved to another emerging way of encryption and decryption instead of generating this random key.

They called it as a calculator which is operate four main operations (AND, OR, NOT, XOR) and named it as three-dimensional DNA self-assembly pyramid structure.


Source J


Rahman, S., Hossain, M., Mouftah, H., El Saddik, A., & Okamoto, E. (2012). Chaos-cryptography based privacy preservation technique for video surveillance. Multimedia Systems, 18(2), 145–155. https://doi-org.ezproxy.csu.edu.au/10.1007/s00530-011-0246-9


A video surveillance system is a very common thing nowadays, but it has no feature for filtering or protecting the privacy-sensitive data such as the face. The goal of this research is to minimize or hide the privacy-sensitive parameters captured in video surveillance. Thus, the researchers had proposed a chaos cryptography method for getting the job done.

Source K


Yap, W.-S., Phan, R., & Goi, B.-M. (2016). Cryptanalysis of a High-Definition Image Encryption Based on AES Modification. Wireless Personal Communications, 88(3), 685–699. https://doi-org.ezproxy.csu.edu.au/10.1007/s11277-016-3192-1



One another most recent issue in transmitting data in the internet is discussed in this paper. The author described that when sending high-resolution images via the internet there is a chance of easily disclosed by unauthorized parties. Therefore, in order to protect the confidentiality of the image the neediness of a secured encryption method is illustrated in this paper.  Chaotic cryptography and block cipher mode are two ongoing methods used to realize the images. But in this article, it is proposed a scheme called modified 128-bit AES cipher as an alternative to overcome the insecure transmitting of high-quality images.

Source L


Zadiraka, V. K., & Kudin, A. M. (2013). Cloud computing in cryptography and steganography. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 49(4), 584-588. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy.csu.edu.au/10.1007/s10559-013-9544-x


“Light Weight (low resources) cryptography” in cloud computing systems is illustrated in this paper as one of the problems of cryptography in cloud computing systems. Scenarios in cloud computing technology and the cryptographic problems relate to that are discussed in this paper describing service models such as Paas, Saas, and Iaas. Secondly, solutions for the problems have been discussed. Finally, application technologies are discussed in detail.