My Name is Radhika Anand my student ID is 11713382. I’m from Amritsar, Punjab which is a part of north India. I completed my bachelors in science . Currently, I’m pursuing my master’s in information technology. My specialization is cloud computing and computer networking.
According to my specialization, the selected topic is “Blockchain-based edge in cyber-physical systems”. The major aim of this research is that provide the blockchain-based trustworthy edge caching system which is proposed for the mobile users in the MCPS, which particularly exploits the blockchain for managing the cache-transactions among the mobile users and edge-node in the proper distribute manager while the caching services data which is not modified & denied through any entities. Moreover, the use of mechanism based on the trust-management for the users of the mobile in which the degree of trust in the edge-node in the actual is evaluated & updated through the mobile user and is also based on the quality of the services for the caching (Fan & Huo, 2020).