My name is Simranjeet Kaur and my student ID is 11700370. I am from north India Punjab. After completing my schooling, I persuaded my Bachelor’s in computer applications from Punjab, India. After completing my Bachelor’s, I came to Australia for Master’s in Information Technology. Currently, I am pursuing a Master’s of Information Technology specialization in computer networking
According to my specialization, the selected topic is “A review on human-computer interaction for automation industry based on augmented reality”. The prior aim of this research is that they want the solutions for the issues and the gaps of the research. The aim of this research is that they fill the gap which can not fully fill through the old techniques and the other methods which are used early in this research (Ahlstrom & Kircher, 2020). Thus the researcher proposed the different methods and techniques for fill the gap of this research and finding the solutions for the issues which they faced by the drivers and the other passengers. Thus the researcher has proposed the VHCIs technique for the improvement of the field of research. In this research, they used other techniques for the betterment of the research areas and helped the drivers who faced issues (Barth, 2020).