My name is Ramesh Bandlamudi and my student ID is 11705378. I am from south India Amaravathi. After completing my schooling, I persuaded my Bachelor’s in Computer Science from Vignan University, Guntur. After completing my Bachelor’s, I came to Australia for Master’s of Information Technology. Currently, I am pursuing a Master’s of Information Technology specialization in Networking.
According to my specialization, the selected topic is “Distributed DNS (Domain Name System) using Blockchain”.The aim of this research is that they provide the different methods and techniques for getting effective results, but the researchers didn’t get effective results; thus, they proposed different methods and techniques. The prior aim of this research is that they achieve the proper protection against cyber attacks. For this, they proposed the DNS getting the high credibility of results in the domain name resolutions. And this proposed scheme contributes as the DNS is used for the consortium blockchain for the P2P network collaboration scheme for the forgery-detections as it is created as the identify base access for the control system for the valuation of the potential issues or threads through the untrusted nodes. The other contribution of this is that they used it for calculating the credibility of the DNS resolution node. In this research, they used the different method and techniques which are used for maintaining the proper results in the field of research. They proposed the DNS DNSTSM, which is used for satisfying the domain name resolution situation for the high-reliability needs & low latency (El Houda et al., 2020).