6.1.c Activity: Finding authentic information in a socially networked world

6.1.c What policy issues have resulted from social networking

Authenticity social network in the world have an impact on creating and location information. As information professionals in elementary and high school environment, it is necessary to ensure that students are equipped with the skills, do both.

Creating Authentic Content

Web 2.0 tools such as blog, wikis and micro-blogging space allows students in our college survey mode, global connectivity, display work and achievements, and to “further” evidence useful tool. In Journell, Ayers and Beeson (2014), Heafner and Friedman (2008) states that “the use of Internet-based network technology in an academic environment, more and more research base advocates.” The tools to do this. This academic integrity and to create and publish content online real meaning, other users may wish to access and use. It is important to “let our voices real, strong not invade our privacy.” (Sawyer, 2015). Use only photo or people licensed name; all references cited from the content has been read; remain “in the subject” content; ensure that the work has been edited by a second or third party.

Locating Authentic Content

In turn, positioned content is credible may be an ongoing challenge students. Find the most effective sites, especially when such a ready-made website in the search results, such as Wikipedia. Wikipedia can be used as’ a take-off point. “(Ghose, 2015), but students need to develop strategies to make major decisions which information is missing, and further looking for specific content. Using websites such as Wikipedia can educate students the scope of information literacy stakeholders concerned and their credibility within the use and development of student awareness of these issues. students can learn how to be critical thinkers, adopt best practice search and positioning strategy.

Only when students teach specialized skills to their identity and other information, they begin to feel confident in the Exploration and Use of dynamic online Web2.0 environment for their own needs.


Sawyer Hanson, K. (2015). Finding balance between online privacy and authenticity. Collective Bias. Retrieved fromhttp://collectivebias.com/blog/2015/04/finding-balance-between-online-privacy-and-authenticity/

Journell, W., Ayers, C. A., & Beeson, M. W. (2014). Tweeting in the classroom: Twitter can be a smart instructional tool that links students with real-time information and connects them to authentic discussions beyond school walls. Phi Delta Kappan95(5), 53.

Ghose, T. (2015). Can you trust Wikipedia on Science? Live Science. Retrieved from http://www.livescience.com/51926-are-wikipedia-science-pages-trustworthy.html

6.1 Activity: Identity, privacy, security and trust


Social networks Ironically, despite many platforms appear to be the first to provide the opportunity to create and express themselves, and our best hope in Facebook profiles, posts on Twitter and photos on Instagram and other shared version, in fact, we offer more larger and smaller control digital world has become our digital footprint. “Once the creation and dissemination of digital traces they leave our direct control, the general land in the hands of others” ((nd) how much control we have in our data?). For this reason, it is important that we try to ensure that we effectively in the digital world of information gives the best opportunity to manage our online identity in a positive performance.

But there are, even if we do our best to our “digital shadow” ((n.d.) how much control we have in our data?) It can be misunderstood concerns. Difficulties in her online blog article “scholar, Google yourself,” Doctors Inge Mewburn  discuss and deliberate control online identity management profile is what will Google search, but even as she said, “This is a consistent presentation some ways very confusing numbers outside world “((11 August 2015) scholars, Google yourself).

In its decision to admit, even though we may provide personal information at any given time a small aspect, digitized it is recorded, is “exporting data” essentially ((n.d) how much control we have what we should share is very important in our data?) still can put them together to create a more comprehensive information than we would like. this also applies to the organization, and for this reason it is used according to the policy on behalf of the organization as well as monitoring and management social media participation is important.

Ways of retaining some privacy online are discussed in the article ‘Internet Privacy Laws Australia: 5 Ways to Better Protect Yourself Online’ (9 June 2015) these involve taking note of the types of platforms or webpages which ask for information, protecting passwords and privacy settings on accounts and mobile devices as well as being aware of credible websites and scams.


How Much Control Do We Have Over Our Data? (n.d.) In ‘Me and My Shadow’ Retrieved January 12, 2016  from https://myshadow.org/how-much-control-do-we-have-over-our-data

I, Mewburn. Scholar, google thyself (2015, August 11). In ‘The thesis Whisperer’, Retrieved January 13, 2016 from http://thesiswhisperer.com/2015/08/11/scholar-google-thyself/

Law Answers Australia Blog team. Internet Privacy Laws Australia: 5 Ways to Better Protect Yourself Online’ (2015, June 9 ) In Law Answers Australia.com.au Retrieved January 16,2016 from https://www.lawanswers.com.au/blog/internet-privacy-laws-australia-5-ways-to-better-protect-yourself-online/

5.2 Activity: Web 2.0 Libraries and Information Agencies

5.2 Examples of Web 2.0 working for libraries & info agencies

Three libraries that I know of that use social networking to meet their goals are Hong Kong Public Library, Hong Kong Baptist University Libraries and Hong Kong University Libraries.

In investigating these libraries I have developed a list of reasons why libraries should be on social media:

  • Promotion and market reasons, many forms of these three libraries use social media for this purpose, as a result, they are exposed to hundreds of current and potential members to share their offer.
  • Educational program opportunities, which provide three libraries electronic tutorials and publicity through their YouTube page. This use of social media in order to make the library service extends beyond their physical libraries, and provide more services than they might otherwise be able to, due to the physical capacity constraints, budget and time of limited.
  • Social media is a way to further support services already in place. Online chat option, web pages and blog discussions backing review these libraries are meant to prove that they can assist the customer and service issues to a wider audience and more effective. In the reviewer’s staff use Facebook, allows members to post comments and share how usually provided by the service staff in the library can share a further example, faster access to more members.
  • Using social media tools, operating in the enterprise, it is also a valuable resource to help the library. Tools such as WhatsApp, Facebook and Google+ are among internal staff, and to reach a wider audience of potential new and effective way employees communicate quickly and effectively.
  • In order to remain relevant member who is getting the time difference, or who may not live physical access capabilities. By using social media libraries and the services provided are not so easy to be forgotten or not used. There is the emergence of a social media mean greatly increased the accessibility of members.

4.1 Activity : The Library Minute

4.1.a What is Library 2.0.

Library websites have evolved with Web 2.0 technologies and the principles of 4Cs.


Arizona State University (ASU) Libraries are trying through their website, social network integration, “features a library 2.0 Collaboration environment makes its website, more personalized and user-driven place. “(Frank & Yan Quan, 2014, p. 121).

Arizona State University Library has accepted the 4C standard Web 2.0 in the following ways:

  • Collaboration: ‘Library Minute – Study Spaces’ is the workspace of a simple notification of the user video library to large groups of individuals. While encouraging cooperation between students and experts, for the opportunity to appear online this collaboration rarely.
  • Conversation: The ‘Library Minute – Ask a Librarian’ Links clearly explains various methods can be used to dialogue with other ways for a variety of applications, online and in person. Also, the tools such as WhatsApp, Line, Skype, Twitter and Facebook allow online conversations between the library and users.
  • Community: Arizona State University library using Facebook and Twitter social media tools to connect users to the library as an online community. Facebook is the most popular social networking tools, but there are also active on the Arizona State University’s website a few followers. Twitter is more effective with 3077 followers anywhere who give their community access, any time on any device, such as ‘Library Minute – Mobile Web’.
  • Content Creation: The ability to create online content for users unavailable. Content creation is the only library professionals. ‘Library Minute – Refworks’ is a reference manager, the user can use it to create citations for his work, is a form of content you can use YouTube’s example.

On ‘Library Minute – Social Connection’ shown that Arizona State University Library intention to do this. It has made a good effort, connected by Web 2.0, especially community and dialogue 4C standard user. While Web 2.0 technology alone does not make Library 2.0 environment and more work needs to be done to achieve the principles of collaboration and content creation.


Arizona State University (ASU) Libraries. (n.d.). The Library Channel. Retrieved December 23, 2015 from https://lib.asu.edu/librarychannel

Frank, B. & Yan Quan, L. (2014). Web 2.0 applications’ usage and trends in top US academic libraries. Library Hi Tech, 32(1), 120-138.


3.6 Activity: User Review Sites


  • What are your thoughts about the credibility or quality of user reviews?

I personally use a user review sites such as TripAdvisor and Openrice themselves. I think in the comments provided in these sites reputation and quality have been involved bear a balanced view. Social network comments are not many other ways to be held personally accountable for their views, might use an alias, and may be trying to shake the other potential customers about their motives. I personally feel that to understand what would motivate me to comment on such sites in a negative or positive way, help me distinguish comments and appreciated my own views and expectations may be very different from the comments of people’s credibility.

  • Could they be used as good evidence of the quality of services or products?

I think more study needs to be done to the motivation behind the comment before the reason for these reactions may be used in this manner. Sunrise from the daily consumption points such comments may be worried that they may have doubts, they tried to keep the discussion favorable evidence. Because, accommodation if a person is determined, but some aspects of advertising provides a lower standard, and advertisers own rating conflict, for example, these may be the price, available images, location and so on, so in this case other comments can be useful as evidence.

  • How do you think about charging customers for leaving bad reviews on Tripadvisor?

I think it is inappropriate, in violation of the rights of customers, freedom of speech. From a business perspective, it can be harmful, if many of the comments have been posted negative feedback but if these statements are credible, then it is reasonable to other consumers have knowledge in this area. Enterprises should probably give their business problem, use these views to their own advantage and the right to work, they should have the right to respond to such comments. Those companies who own or work of such charge or limit their products actively express opinions on the same concept, this may just be misleading. It is to achieve a freedom of information and ensure accountability and projected into another example of the difficulties of balancing the credibility of the information society between.

3.2 Activity: Twitter


I have found the useful Twitter accounts for my interests.

1. NY Public Library

To encourage lifelong learning, advanced knowledge and strengthen communities. There provide many images for your reading interest.

2. SCMP News

The SCMP Twitter is that you have up-to-date information at your fingertips, including the daily news.

Tweets by @SCMP_News

3. Penguin Books USA

Information provided by their new products, there is a good recommendation to purchase library from time to time.

4. Hong Wrong Blog

In politics, culture, science and technology, business and news feature stories. Many thought-provoking commentary can be found here.


If you love the outer space, you’ll love this Twitter account.

Tweets by @NASA

2.1 Activity: What is Web 2.0?

What is Web 2.0

What is Web 2.0?

Web 1.0 is Web 2.0 pioneer. Web 2.0 is located on the World Wide Web, enabling users to gather information and provide or publish the site. It allows people from around the world to connect and interact through the Internet, allowing users to add at any time involved in the information to a Web site or blog, you can have access to it may be made to see their own ideas. As Barnatt (2008) interpretation of Web 2.0. Mentioned interaction can occur between two or more users, two or more online services, or individual Internet users and software.


Web 2.0 business model is collaboration. Many sites appearing daily SMS button, such as YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook buttons, allowing users to share information to his or her followers options.


Barnatt, C. (2008) Explaining Web 2.0. In Explaining Computers.Retrieved 25 November, 2015 from https://youtu.be/7BAXvFdMBWw