Authenticity social network in the world have an impact on creating and location information. As information professionals in elementary and high school environment, it is necessary to ensure that students are equipped with the skills, do both.
Creating Authentic Content
Web 2.0 tools such as blog, wikis and micro-blogging space allows students in our college survey mode, global connectivity, display work and achievements, and to “further” evidence useful tool. In Journell, Ayers and Beeson (2014), Heafner and Friedman (2008) states that “the use of Internet-based network technology in an academic environment, more and more research base advocates.” The tools to do this. This academic integrity and to create and publish content online real meaning, other users may wish to access and use. It is important to “let our voices real, strong not invade our privacy.” (Sawyer, 2015). Use only photo or people licensed name; all references cited from the content has been read; remain “in the subject” content; ensure that the work has been edited by a second or third party.
Locating Authentic Content
In turn, positioned content is credible may be an ongoing challenge students. Find the most effective sites, especially when such a ready-made website in the search results, such as Wikipedia. Wikipedia can be used as’ a take-off point. “(Ghose, 2015), but students need to develop strategies to make major decisions which information is missing, and further looking for specific content. Using websites such as Wikipedia can educate students the scope of information literacy stakeholders concerned and their credibility within the use and development of student awareness of these issues. students can learn how to be critical thinkers, adopt best practice search and positioning strategy.
Only when students teach specialized skills to their identity and other information, they begin to feel confident in the Exploration and Use of dynamic online Web2.0 environment for their own needs.
Sawyer Hanson, K. (2015). Finding balance between online privacy and authenticity. Collective Bias. Retrieved from
Journell, W., Ayers, C. A., & Beeson, M. W. (2014). Tweeting in the classroom: Twitter can be a smart instructional tool that links students with real-time information and connects them to authentic discussions beyond school walls. Phi Delta Kappan, 95(5), 53.
Ghose, T. (2015). Can you trust Wikipedia on Science? Live Science. Retrieved from