4.1 Activity : The Library Minute

4.1.a What is Library 2.0.

Library websites have evolved with Web 2.0 technologies and the principles of 4Cs.


Arizona State University (ASU) Libraries are trying through their website, social network integration, “features a library 2.0 Collaboration environment makes its website, more personalized and user-driven place. “(Frank & Yan Quan, 2014, p. 121).

Arizona State University Library has accepted the 4C standard Web 2.0 in the following ways:

  • Collaboration: ‘Library Minute – Study Spaces’ is the workspace of a simple notification of the user video library to large groups of individuals. While encouraging cooperation between students and experts, for the opportunity to appear online this collaboration rarely.
  • Conversation: The ‘Library Minute – Ask a Librarian’ Links clearly explains various methods can be used to dialogue with other ways for a variety of applications, online and in person. Also, the tools such as WhatsApp, Line, Skype, Twitter and Facebook allow online conversations between the library and users.
  • Community: Arizona State University library using Facebook and Twitter social media tools to connect users to the library as an online community. Facebook is the most popular social networking tools, but there are also active on the Arizona State University’s website a few followers. Twitter is more effective with 3077 followers anywhere who give their community access, any time on any device, such as ‘Library Minute – Mobile Web’.
  • Content Creation: The ability to create online content for users unavailable. Content creation is the only library professionals. ‘Library Minute – Refworks’ is a reference manager, the user can use it to create citations for his work, is a form of content you can use YouTube’s example.

On ‘Library Minute – Social Connection’ shown that Arizona State University Library intention to do this. It has made a good effort, connected by Web 2.0, especially community and dialogue 4C standard user. While Web 2.0 technology alone does not make Library 2.0 environment and more work needs to be done to achieve the principles of collaboration and content creation.


Arizona State University (ASU) Libraries. (n.d.). The Library Channel. Retrieved December 23, 2015 from https://lib.asu.edu/librarychannel

Frank, B. & Yan Quan, L. (2014). Web 2.0 applications’ usage and trends in top US academic libraries. Library Hi Tech, 32(1), 120-138.