What is Web 2.0?
Web 1.0 is Web 2.0 pioneer. Web 2.0 is located on the World Wide Web, enabling users to gather information and provide or publish the site. It allows people from around the world to connect and interact through the Internet, allowing users to add at any time involved in the information to a Web site or blog, you can have access to it may be made to see their own ideas. As Barnatt (2008) interpretation of Web 2.0. Mentioned interaction can occur between two or more users, two or more online services, or individual Internet users and software.
Web 2.0 business model is collaboration. Many sites appearing daily SMS button, such as YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook buttons, allowing users to share information to his or her followers options.
Barnatt, C. (2008) Explaining Web 2.0. In Explaining Computers.Retrieved 25 November, 2015 from https://youtu.be/7BAXvFdMBWw